Sunday, July 2, 2017

Trump: why is the Left so excercised by im?

The answer to that is obvious and simple: the Left feels existentially threatened by Trump and his policies.

The harder question to answer is why the Left feels existentially threatened. Actually, this is not that hard to answer either, just takes more than one sentence. So, here goes:

1. Trump does not play the game of the Left. The game of the Left is that a Republican President only slows down our rush to Socialism, but leaves the Democrats' "accomplishments" in place. Trump is whacking away at Obamacare, global warming fraud and putting America behind by championing high cost energy, letting our adversaries free hand and even supporting them, political correctness.

2. Trump is attacking the number two weapon of the Left: the biased, dishonest Media.

3. Trump shook up the game and ended the GOP's losing game. The Left was going to populate the Country with illegals who would vote for the Left. At the same time, the white people (especially the white working class) would be deprived its jobs and put on welfare. The GOP went along with this game helping in the export of American jobs and even contemplated amnesty for the illegals. Trump reversed this policy and made possible for the Republican Party to carry Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin. And it will be a long time before an anti coal Democrat can carry West Virginia.

As the Left woke to these new realities, they lost their cool. That is the source of their anger.

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