Thursday, October 18, 2018

Which war will this be?

For six months the Israelis have endured the attacks of Hamas: burning tires and their smoke (when the wind blows from Gaza to Israel), small balloons carrying explosive charges designed to hurt curious Israeli children, kites carrying incendiaries to burn the hard-won fields and trees across the fence and hundreds of young Arabs attacking with stones and grenades along the fence.

Israel has had it. The Cabinet may be meeting now to decide on war and its scope. This time Israel intends to wipe out Hamas once and for all. Hamas is preparing to inflict maximum casualties among its own children to wage a massive war in the presses of the world.

In the North Hezbollah has built rocket sites in mosques and civilian areas; again to case maximum damage to civilians which will be depicted as Israeli atrocities. There is a system of tunnels in S Lebanon that Hezbollah has fortified for the struggle.

Will the Iranians jump in from Syria? And with them the Russians? Will this be the prophecized war in which Israel's enemies will be dealt a great blow by fire falling from the sky? Could be. But, it is not the final struggle. That is still building. It won't come untill the Temple in Jerusalem is built.

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