Sunday, June 25, 2017

Trump's voters and race.

Do I mean to say that Trump's voters are racists? NO! NOT AT ALL! The Dems are.

Stay with this while I marshal the facts.

The Dems have decided to write off the white working class. Their intellectuals even wrote about it and the Dems were enthusing about how the white population was getting smaller and smaller. They shipped off the jobs to Asia and Mexico, reduced the number of white males in college (65% of the graduates are female) and tried to brainwash white kids that they need to feel ashamed because of "white privilege." White people took note of the racism directed at them.

We were fortunate that Donald Trump was given to us. He promised to put an end to shipping jobs overseas and an end to the racism of the Democrats. The Dems tried to respond by appealing to the man hating feminists, but white men have daughters, wives and sisters who have come to realize that the anti white men policies of the Dems are aimed at their brothers and husbands and friends.

So, the wicked Witch (Hillary) had lost and the Dems had lost five by elections in the row and they are panicked. That is why they emote how Trump's tweeting hurts him (as if they want to help him). They long for the days of Nixon when they isolated Nixon from his voters.

Folks. Blacks and Hispanics are not helped by listening to the anti-white rhetoric of the Media and the Dems and the day is coming when blacks and Hispanics will come to realize this in large numbers. That will be the time the Democrat Party will cease to exist. Good riddance.

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