I am a curious person and I asked two questions: 1. why do the powers that be try to keep gold prices low? and how come that they stop after a while?
I have already answered Q1 before, but will repeat the answer here. Gold price is linked to inflation. If gold prices are allowed to rise very steeply, prices will start rising very steeply; most of all oil. The Socialist authorities want to have inflation, but most of all they want control. And they want prices to rise slowly. So, every time gold gets ahead of itself, they knock it down.
So, if Socialist authorities (which includes the FED) really have this much control, how come the gold price keeps going up and does not stay down? That is a good question to which I did not have an answer untill I had read the notes from "Gold Trader" on KWN. Others tell me that the dollars to gold ratio has increased so much that our gold would have to sell at 10-20,000/oz gold to cover all the paper dollars. Socialism is so inefficient that Socialists must kite checks (more printed money and bonds) to cover expenditures. Eventually, the paper currencies will become worthless, so Central banks want to hang on to their gold. But, every time gold is knocked down by the avalanche of paper contracts, some of the phony paper is paid for by fiat currency, but some of it is paid by actually delivering the gold. Thus, something of great value (gold) goes from the Socialist central banks to the East. Then gold price recovers and hits a new high.