Saturday, June 29, 2019

Gpld: what now?

1,350/oz was broken and gold trades above $1,400/oz. The reports I see predict gold to go up tomorrow then chances are 70-80% that gold will retest the $1,350.Huh? Why?

The big bankers want to persuade us once more that precious metals are trash. Eventually they will fail.

The end of blond jokes. 4.

The end of blond jokes. 3.

The end of blond jokes. 2.

The end of blond jokes. And the new wave.1.

A new Preamble to the US Constitution.

The US Constitution was written at a time when people were taught to read, write and do arithmetic in our schools. Since, our schools now no longer teach logic or comprehension of the English language, it is necessary to restate these in contemporary words.

New preamble to the constitution . This has been attributed to Lewis Napper, a Jackson, Mississippi computer programmer. He didn't expect his essay -- a tart 10-point list of "rights" Americans don't have -- to become an Internet legend. 

'We the sensible people of the United States, in an attempt to  help everyone get along, restore some semblance of justice, avoid more riots, keep our nation safe, promote positive behavior, and secure the blessings of debt-free liberty to ourselves and our great-great-great-grandchildren, hereby try one more time to ordain and establish some common sense guidelines for the terminally whiny, guilt ridden, delusional. We hold these truths to be self-evident: that a whole lot of people are confused by the Bill of  Rights and are so dim they require a Bill of NON-Rights.'

You do not  have the right to a new car, big screen TV, or any other form of wealth.. More power to you if you can legally acquire them, but no one is guaranteeing  anything.

You do not have the right to never be offended. This country is based on freedom, and that means freedom for everyone -- not  just you! You may leave the room, turn the channel, express a different opinion, etc.; but the world is full of dummies, and probably always will  be.

You do not have the right to be free from harm. If you stick a screwdriver in your eye, learn to be more careful; do not expect  the tool manufacturer to make you and all your relatives independently wealthy.

You do not have the right to free food and housing. Americans are the most charitable people to be found, and will gladly help anyone in need, but we are quickly growing weary of subsidizing generation after generation of professional couch potatoes who  achieve nothing more than the creation of another  generation of professional couch potatoes.

You do not have the right to free health care. That would be nice, but from the looks of public housing, we're just not interested in public health care.

You do not have the right to physically harm other people. If you kidnap, rape, intentionally maim, or kill someone, don't be surprised if the rest of us want to see you get the blue juice.

You do not have the right to the possessions of others. If you rob, cheat, or coerce away the goods or services of other citizens, don't be surprised if the rest of us get together and lock you away in a place where you still won't have the right to a big screen color TV or a life of leisure..

You do not have the right to a job. All of us sure want you to have a job, and will gladly help you along in hard times, but we expect you to take advantage of the opportunities of education and vocational training laid before you to make yourself useful.

You do not have the right to happiness. Being an American means that you have the right to PURSUE happiness, which by the way, is a lot easier if you are  unencumbered by an overabundance of idiotic laws  created by those of you who were confused by the Bill  of Rights.

This is an English speaking country. We don't care where you came from, English is our language. Learn it!


You do not have the right to change our country's history or heritage. This country was founded on the belief in one true God. And yet, you are given the freedom to believe in any religion, any faith, or no faith at all; with no fear of persecution. The phrase IN GOD WE TRUST is part of our heritage and history, sorry if you are uncomfortable with it.

If you  agree, share this with a friend. No, you don't have to, and nothing tragic will befall you if you don't. I  just think it's about time common sense is allowed to flourish. Sensible people of the United States must  speak out because if you do not, who will?

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Life is too short to drink bad wine.


Saturday, June 22, 2019

Friday, June 21, 2019

A young person who sees it.

A letter from a young woman.

“I’m sitting in a small coffee shop near Nokomis trying to think of what to write about. I scroll through my newsfeed on my phone looking at the latest headlines of Democratic candidates calling for policies to “fix” the so-called injustices of capitalism.
I put my phone down and continue to look around. I see people talking freely, working on their MacBook’s, ordering food they get in an instant, seeing cars go by outside, and it dawned on me.
We live in the most privileged time in the most prosperous nation and we’ve become completely blind to it. Vehicles, food, technology, freedom to associate with whom we choose. These things are so ingrained in our American way of life we don’t give them a second thought. We are so well off here in the United States that our poverty line begins 31 times above the global average. Thirty. One. Times.
Virtually no one in the United States is considered poor by global standards. Yet, in a time where we can order a product off Amazon with one click and have it at our doorstep the next day, we are unappreciative, unsatisfied, and ungrateful.
Our un-appreciation is evident as the popularity of socialist policies among my generation continues to grow. Democratic Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez recently said to Newsweek talking about the millennial generation, “An entire generation, which is now becoming one of the largest electorates in America, came of age and never saw American prosperity.”  
Never saw American prosperity. Let that sink in. When I first read that statement, I thought to myself, that was quite literally the most entitled and factually illiterate thing I’ve ever heard in my 26 years on this earth. Now, I’m not attributing Miss Ocasio-Cortez’s words to outright dishonesty. I do think she whole-heartedly believes the words she said to be true. Many young people agree with her, which is entirely misguided. My generation is being indoctrinated by a mainstream narrative to actually believe we have never seen prosperity. I know this first hand, I went to college, let’s just say I didn’t have the popular opinion, but I digress.
Let me lay down some universal truths really quick. The United States of America has lifted more people out of abject poverty, spread more freedom and democracy, and has created more innovation in technology and medicine than any other nation in human history. Not only that but our citizenry continually breaks world records with charitable donations, the rags to riches story is not only possible in America but not uncommon, we have the strongest purchasing power on earth, and we encompass 25% of the world’s GDP.
The list goes on. However, these universal truths don’t matter. We are told that income inequality is an existential crisis (even though this is not an indicator of prosperity, some of the poorest countries in the world have low-income inequality), we are told that we are oppressed by capitalism (even though it’s brought about more freedom and wealth to the most people than any other system in world history), we are told that the only way we will acquire the benefits of true prosperity is through socialism and centralization of federal power (even though history has proven time and again this only brings tyranny and suffering).
Why then, with all of the overwhelming evidence around us, evidence that I can even see sitting at a coffee shop, do we not view this as prosperity?
We have people who are dying to get into our country. People around the world destitute and truly impoverished. Yet, we have a young generation convinced they’ve never seen prosperity, and as a result, elect politicians dead set on taking steps towards abolishing capitalism. Why?
The answer is this, my generation has ONLY seen prosperity. We have no contrast. We didn’t live in the great depression, or live through two world wars, or see the rise and fall of socialism and communism. We don’t know what it’s like not to live without the internet, without cars, without smartphones. We don’t have a lack of prosperity problem. We have an entitlement problem, an ungratefulness problem, and it’s spreading like a plague.
With the current political climate giving rise to the misguided idea of a socialist utopia, will we see the light? Or will we have to lose it all to realize that what we have now is true prosperity? Destroying the free market will undo what millions of people have died to achieve.
My generation is becoming the largest voting bloc in the country. We have an opportunity to continue to propel us forward with the gifts capitalism and democracy has given us. The other option is that we can fall into the trap of entitlement and relapse into restrictive socialist destitution. The choice doesn’t seem too hard, does it?”

Alyssa Ahlgren

AJ adds: Dear Ms Ahlgren,

The problem is NOT that the younger generations have not seen a Depression, the problem is that the professions have been taken over by people who have been brainwashed via a bad education.And a Lying Media and Hollywood. And they believe that Socialism is just and that it works. They do not see the misery it causes and the failure it brings. 

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Will gold break 1,350/oz this coming week?

Ever since the election of Donald Trump as President the polarization of America is becoming more apparent. Mr Trump did not cause the polarization, but his policies and hitting back at enemies sure bring it out. I have a friend whose favorite saying is “if he just kept his mouth shut.” Well, George W Bush did not talk back and McCain and Romney laid low and what did we get for it? Eight years of Obama and the Inner State nearly getting away with converting us to a third world Kleptocracy.
Make no mistake though, the world is in serious financial trouble. What trouble? The printing of currency is going to bite. For 100 years since the founding of the FED the US Dollar has been losing value. You can see this best by looking at how much a US Dollar is worth in terms of gold. In Roosevelt’s time gold went from $20.68 to $34.72/oz. In 1970 an ounce of gold was worth $35.94 but in five years it went to $161. By $1980 gold hit $612/ounce.

Gold began to fluctuate in US Dollars as the FED, the BIS and the Bouillon Banks tried to keep prices down. Then in 2011 gold hit $1900/oz, before falling back to $1,200.  Note that with each rise and drop, the drop never returns gold to the previous low.

Today the FED, the BIS and the Bouillon banks are trying to defend a price that has been dubbed the “Maginot line for gold.” This number is $1,350. The Maginot line was the French line of defense against Germany at the start of WWII. It stretched to Belgium and was considered impenetrable. So, the Germans went through Belgium and France surrendered. The metaphor for the gold price (i.e. calling $1,350 the Maginot line) is following through, because the price of gold has already reached new highs in other currencies. It is just a matter of time before the $1,350 line is breeched and then not only gold will go up in US Dollars, but the value of the US Dollar will drop in terms of other currencies. While, the US economy is chugging along smoothly, the Democrats are out to sabotage it any way they can before the 2020 election. For example, the Democrats refuse to vote for the Infrastructure Bill or the efforts to build the wall at the border, both of which would stimulate the economy.

Here are the market efforts to penetrate the $1,350 price. Experts expect that when gold closes above $1,3550 there will be a rapid rise in prices. Note that gold made two attempts to break above $1,350. The next attempt might do it.

Political humor.

Nancy Pelosi is quoted in a private meeting that she wants to see Trump in jail. Trump's people doubt it would happen because he will be  too busy with his businesses.

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Confessions of a moderate Republican.

It was written by George S. Bardmesser, an attorney in private practice in the Washington, DC area:


by George S. Bardmesser

It’s a damn shame I have to wait another 20 months to vote for President Trump.  I wish I could do it now.  Twice.  Or better yet, in as many jurisdictions as I can.  Preferably in every swing district and every swing state.

Yeah, yeah, I know — sadly, I can’t.  It’s been a hell of a ride these past couple of years, and I sure hope it doesn’t end next November.

I am a middle-of-the-road Republican who voted for Trump with the utmost reluctance in 2016.  He sure wasn’t perfect.  He was no Cicero, either ––though he can give a decent speech when the chips are down.  He had a few extra skeletons rattling in his closet, especially compared to colorless non-entities like Jeb.  So yeah, I was queasy about voting for an ex-registered-Democrat-from-New-York-and-possible-liberal-now-turned-Republican.

Was I worried?  Hell, yeah!  Was I depressed?  You bet.  But, really, what options were there?  Hillary?  Jill Stein?  Seriously?  Trump wasn’t my first choice or my second choice or my third choice, but by the time November 2016 rolled around, Trump was the only choice on the menu.  So I swallowed hard, took a leap of faith, and pulled the lever for the Donald.And let me tell ya, every time one of these newly minted Democratic “stars” opens their mouth, the same thought goes through my mind:  Thank God for Trump.  Trump is my last line of defense.  Trump is the only thing that stands between me and these hallucinogenic socialist nut jobs.  Trump is what’s keeping chaos and left-wing insanity at bay.

Maybe I am not a gettable voter for the Democrats.  Certainly not easily gettable, but had Trump turned out to be a closet Nelson Rockefeller, and the Democrats were to nominate a genuine centrist, who knows what could’ve happened?  Isn’t that what politicians running for president are supposed to do –– spend a few months promoting themselves as the reasonable choice, and the other guy as unacceptable?

But today, every single Democrat I can name is working overtime to make damn certain that I will pull the lever for Trump again, and with both hands this time.  Trump need not worry about locking down my vote; the Democrats are doing all the heavy lifting.

Every time the Democrats and their media allies peddle yet another “end of the Trump presidency bombshell,” I laugh hysterically.  If I laughed any harder, people would think I was having an epileptic seizure.

I can’t even keep track of half the revelations that were supposed to bring Trump to an ignominious end.  Even the Democrats forget most of them within days.  Remember Papadopoulos?  Flynn?  Gates?  Roger Stone? 

Stormy Daniels?  Right.  you say?  Yeah, okay.  He probably did.  Oh, hell, who are we kidding here?  I am certain that he did.  And I care about all this why?  I can see why Melania would care, but why do I care?

Heck, I’ll go even further––it wouldn’t surprise me if Trump paid off a bunch of other women over the years.  In fact, and here I am really going out on a limb, there was some reason to suspect, even before the election, that Trump hasn’t always been a faithful husband to his various wives.  But, dear Democrats: I just checked my Vanguard and Fidelity account balances,

Michael who, you say?  Michael Cohen?  Oh, yeah, the sleazeball who took Trump’s money for years and years, and then, once his taxicab schemes and assorted other shenanigans fell apart and prison time loomed, suddenly had an epiphany about Trump?  The guy who plead guilty to lying to Congress?  The guy who begged Trump for a pardon?  That Michael Cohen?  If Democrats think Michael Cohen’s pathetic drooling before some congressional committee will change my mind, they are beyond delusional.

Trump Organization, you say?  Something about possible non-compliance with New York State health insurance purchasing regulations?  Congress will investigate, you say?  Uh huh.  I am fatigued out with these investigations.  You want me to vote for some Democrat because Andrew Cuomo says Trump didn’t follow his insurance regulations?  Are you people for real?

What’s that?  Russia?  Mueller?  Collusion?  I am sick of Russia and I am sick of Mueller.  I am sick of Comey, Rosenstein, Ohr, McCabe, Yates, Strzok, Page, Baker, and the rest of the gang.  I am beyond sick of them.  I am vomit-inducingly sick of them.  (And, for the record, I was born in Russia, so I know Russia like these Democrat clowns can’t even imagine.)  After years of nonstop investigations, all they actually have on the collusion front is Manafort’s tax evasion from 10 years ago.  That’s it?

Remember that New York Times monster 15,000-word article about Trump’s inheritance taxes 30 years ago?  Ask me if I care, Jared Kushner?  Next!  Ivanka’s shoe line?  Whatever.  Trump Hotel in DC?  Yawn.  The Emoluments Clause?  Puuuuhhhhlease.  Obstruction?  Here, I agree.  Trump made a mistake.  He should have fired Comey’s ass on day one instead of waiting two months to do it.

But then, this is all yesterday’s news.  Who needs last year’s bombshells when we have today’s contestants!  The Donkey Party has a new leader: someone called Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.  Every time her bright red lips form a sentence, I hear a clarion call: Must Vote For Trump!  Unlike AOC, I actually know firsthand what socialism is.  I don’t need to imagine the future that AOC is trying to shove down my throat.  I lived in that future and I pray I’ll never have to live in that future again.

Every time AOC proposes to build trains to Europe, or wants butt plugs for cows to control their flatulence, or wants to spend $93 trillion on fairyland, I really, really want to vote for Trump.  So make Ocasio-Cortez more visible!  Make Ocasio-Cortez speaker of the House!  Make her the keynote speaker at the convention!

All the CNN talking heads agree that Trump is an idiot?  Maybe, but at least he isn’t planning to ban my car.  Trump lies?  Maybe, but with Trump, we’ll still have airplanes - and my 401(k) plan has been doing great since his election.

This gets us to the next installment of “Friday the 13th,” a.k.a the Democratic presidential candidates.  Kamala Harris, you say?  You seriously want me to vote for Kamala Harris?  And you say that Cory “Spartacus” Booker is just like Kamala, only better and balder?  Are you kidding me?  Pete Buttigieg?  Ask me again when I stop laughing.

Bernie?  Really?  This grumpy near-octogenarian “public service” millionaire with three mansions is running for the presidency of the wrong country.  All his best ideas have already been put into practice --- in Venezuela.

This is a guy who pseudo-honeymooned in the USSR (two years before it collapsed!), and didn’t notice that people were waiting in mile-long lines for literally everything.  This is a guy who has never met a paleo-Stalinist dictator he couldn’t be best pals with.  Bernie doesn’t need to pretend he is a complete crank; he is a complete crank.

I will personally call every one of my friends, neighbors, and acquaintances, and beg them to vote for Trump.

Did someone say Warren?  Warren, the first Cherokee candidate — that Warren?  Doesn’t she now want reparations not just for African-Americans, but also for Native Americans?  Where, oh where, is that lever to pull for Trump

Biden?  The creepy old guy who likes to massage women and 13-year-old girls in public?  That guy?  I have a 19-year-old daughter, and I sure hope he never goes anywhere near her.  But I do hope he runs.  It feels like he’s been running for president in every election since Eisenhower.  Can he lurch far enough to the left this time, to satisfy the woke police?  I doubt it, but it will be fun to watch him try.

Ilhan Omar?  Maybe she should run for president too.  Nancy suggests that Omar is a good person who is simply too ignorant to understand what her words mean.  I disagree.  Omar is only saying what all the other Democrats are thinking.  Yes, she is an anti-Semite.  Yes, she is totally mainstream within the Democratic Party.

Throw that toxic Tlaib person into the mix, and we’ve got the triumvirate that truly runs the Democratic Party now –– Ocasio-Cortez, Omar, and Tlaib.  I see this nutterfest, and let me tell you, dear Democrats: I am motivated as hell.  If ever given a choice (in this election or in other ones) between Ocasio-Cortez, Omar, Tlaib, Pelosi, Warren, Harris, Booker, Biden, Sanders, or Trump, I will take Trump any day of the week.

I am a highly motivated Trump voter because the Democrats have motivated me up to my eyeballs.  I have never been more motivated in my life because the Democrats are terrifying me.  I am locked, cocked, and ready to rock in that voting booth.  I just wish I didn’t have to wait 20 months.

Monday, June 3, 2019


We had a long cup and handle formation and now we have a breakout from that:

Judging from the depth of the cup we can expect gold prices to go up the range of 1,450 to 1,500. Here is an analysis of the moves that preceded the breakout:

We see two trend lines (both down) before the breakout. There was a break above the lower trend line in the middle of May, but that turned out to be a false breakout. The current breakout, however, is decisive.

Could the FED or the BIS squelch this breakout? Experts say that is doubtful. The breakout signifies a fundamental change in the flow of money. Expect a drop overnight as some traders take profit.

Saturday, June 1, 2019

How the elites want to destroy Europe. England.

The plan is to import non-Christians, pay for it by the Government then set up independent enclaves that will be enlarged and eventually squeeze out the British people.