Thursday, August 31, 2017

Harvey: gathering the lessons.

1. The facts.
a) Harvey became a cat 4 storm before it struck Texas, west of Houston.
b) The landfall occurred between two high pressure centers that blew winds south. Harvey then stalled, but the outer band on its east continued to pump moisture inland.
c) Predictably, the resultant deluge (some 50 inches of rain in some places) could not drain south and inundated the Houston metropolitan area and smaller towns.
d) Federal, state and local resources were marshaled to rescue citizens caught up in the flood. Help came from as far away as Louisiana (the Cajun Navy with its 'air' boats).
e)  There was also a heroic effort to rescues pets and some live stock.

2. The reporting.
On one hand, the reporting was adequate, with the exception of the ambulance chaser claims that the severity of the storm (and flooding) was due to 'global warming'. There was also an attempt by the Media to accuse Pres Trump of being uncaring. These attempts were despicable, the efforts of deranged Trump haters.

3. The damage.
There was storm damage and damage from the flooding and from loss of economic activity. Preliminary estimate is $90B.

4. Problems to be fixed.
There is a suggestion that Houston's drainage system needs improving.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Political humor.

This story is told of the last days of Bill Clinton as President.

Bill Clinton flew to Arkansas, for an unknown purpose(?). He was gone for a couple of hours and returned with a small pig under each arm. The marine at the bottom of the stair to the plane saluted and asked surprised: "what's with the pigs, Sir?" Bill replied: "I got a genuine Arkansas pig for Hillary and Chelsea." The Marine  replied: "an excellent trade, Sir."

Sunday, August 27, 2017

List of donors to Hillary.

These were countries seeking favors with the expected winner of our election.

Idiot of the week.

Folks, I have stopped reporting on the bilge that comes from Nancy Pelosi. So, here is something idiotic from Chuck Schumer.

Saturday, August 26, 2017

How Algore Distorts Climate Science by Roy Spencer

An Inconvenient Deception: How Al Gore Distorts Climate Science and Energy Policy

August 19th, 2017
Al Gore has provided a target-rich environment of deceptions in his new movie.
After viewing Gore’s most recent movie, An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power, and after reading the book version of the movie, I was more than a little astounded. The new movie and book are chock-full of bad science, bad policy, and factual errors.
So, I was inspired to do something about it. I’d like to announce my new e-book, entitled An Inconvenient Deception: How Al Gore Distorts Climate Science and Energy Policy, now available on
After reviewing some of Gore’s history in the environmental movement, I go through the movie, point by point.
One of Gore’s favorite tactics is to show something that happens naturally, then claim (or have you infer) that it is due to humanity’s greenhouse gas emissions. As I discuss in the book, this is what he did in his first movie (An Inconvenient Truth), too.
For example, sea level rise. Gore is seen surveying flooded streets in Miami Beach.
That flooding is mostly a combination of (1) natural sea level rise (I show there has been no acceleration of sea level rise beyond what was already happening since the 1800s), and (2) satellite-measured sinking of the reclaimed swamps that have been built upon for over 100 years in Miami Beach.
In other words, Miami Beach was going to have to deal with the increasing flooding from their “king tides”, with or without carbon dioxide emissions.
Gore is also shown jumping across meltwater streams on the Greenland ice sheet. No mention is made that this happens naturally every year. Sure, 2012 was exceptional for its warmth and snow melt (which he mentioned), but then 2017 came along and did just the opposite with record snow accumulation, little melt, and the coldest temperature ever recorded in the Northern Hemisphere for a July.
The fact that receding glaciers in Alaska are revealing stumps from ancient forests that grew 1,000 to 2,000 years ago proves that climate varies naturally, and glaciers advance and recede without any help from humans.
So, why is your SUV suddenly being blamed when it happens today?
The list goes on and on.
Some of what Gore claims is just outright false. He says that wheat and corn yields in China are down by 5% in recent decades. Wrong. They have been steadily climbing, just like almost everywhere else in the world. Here’s the situation for all grain crops in China:
And that lack of rainfall in Syria that supposedly caused conflict and war? It didn’t happen. Poor farmers could no longer afford diesel fuel to pump groundwater because Assad tripled the price. Semi-arid Syria is no place to grow enough crops for a rapidly growing population, anyway.
I also address Gore’s views on alternative energy, mainly wind and solar. It is obvious that Gore does not consider government subsidies when he talks about the “cost” of renewable energy sometimes being cheaper than fossil fuels. Apparently, he hasn’t heard that the citizens pay the taxes that then support the alternative energy industries which Gore, Elon Musk and others financially benefit from. If and when renewable energy become cost-competitive, it won’t need politicians and pundits like Mr. Gore campaigning for it.
To counter what is in movie theaters now, I had to whip up this book in only 2 weeks, and I didn’t have a marching army of well-funded people like Gore has had. (Too bad he didn’t have someone doing fact-checking.) Despite my disadvantage, I think I present a powerful case that most of what he presents is, at the very least, very deceptive.


The pardoning of Sheriff Joe Arpaio

Sheriff Joe had become a scourge for the criminals and illegal aliens. That is why he earned the hatred of the communist/globalist faction of our country. Such a person can not get a fair trial in a place like Maricopa County, the home of the deranged Democrat faction of Arizona.
In any case, his prosecution was political and the verdict against him was political as well. It is a fact that most illegal aliens in AZ are Hispanic in origin so a Sheriff who does his job correctly can not avoid running afoul of the globalist federal judges (and other Democrats) who want to replace the population with Hispanics.
Sheriff Joe has faithfully served the people of his County for 50 years. President Trump has done well to reverse the injustice of the globalist judge and the 12 kangaroos who voted to convict him for doing his duty. 

Thursday, August 24, 2017

The origin of the expressions: "left" and "right".

Today's Bible Lesson

 In this crazy political world with President Trump getting hit daily I decided a little Bible Lesson might be appropriate. Remember what Jesus said: 'Goats on the left, sheep on the right' (Matthew 25:33).

Jesus also told Peter that if he wanted to catch fish do it from the right side of the boat. He did and filled the boat with fish. John  21:6 (NIV) ... He said, "Throw your net on the right side of the boat and you will find some." When they did, they were unable to haul the net in because of the large number of fish."

Origin of Left & Right...I have often wondered why it is t hat Conservatives are called the "right" and Liberals are called the "left". By chance I stumbled upon this verse in the Bible: Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV) - "The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left."

Thus sayeth the Lord. Amen.

It surely can't get any simpler than that.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

What Would A U.S. Civil War Look Like?


What Would A U.S. Civil War Look Like?


Yes, there is a civil war looming in the United States.
But it will not look like the orderly pattern of descent which characterized the conflict of 1861-65. It will appear more like the Yugoslavia break-up, or the Russian and Chinese civil wars of the 20th Century.
It will appear as an evolving chaos.
And the next US civil war, though it yet may be arrested to a degree by the formal hand of centralized gov-ernment, will destabilize many other nation-states, including the People’s Republic of China (PRC).
It may, in other words, be short-lived simply because the uprising will probably not be based upon the deci-sions of constituent states (which, in the US Civil War, created a break-away confederacy), acting within their own perception of a legal process. It is more probable that the 21st Century event would contage as a gradual breakdown of law and order.
The outcome, to a degree dependent on how rapidly order is restored, would likely be the end, or con-straint, of the present view of democracy in the US. It would see a massive dislocation of the economy and currency. It would, then, become a global-level issue.
Humans mock what they see as an impulse toward species suicide among the beautiful lemming clan of Lemmus lemmus.1 In fact, these tiny creatures have a societal survival pattern which seems more con-sistent than that of their human detractors. The pattern of human history shows that civilizations usually end through internal illness rather than at the hand of external powers.
It is significant that the gathering crisis in the United States was not precipitated by the November 7, 2016, election of Pres. Donald Trump, and neither was the growing polarization of the United Kingdom’s society caused by the Brexit vote of 2016.
In both instances, the election of Mr Trump and the decision by UK voters for Britain to exit the European Union were late reactions — perhaps too late — by the regional populations of both countries to what they perceived as the destruction of their nation-states by “urban super-oligarchies”.
The last-ditch reactions by those who voted in the US for Donald Trump and those who voted in the UK for Brexit were against an urban-based globalism which has been building for some seven decades, with the deliberate or accidental intent of destroying nations and nationalism. It is now crystallizing into this: urban globalism sees nations and nationalism as the enemy, and vice-versa.
The battle lines have been drawn.
The urban globalists — the conscious and unconscious — have thrown their resources behind efforts to avert a return to nationalism, particularly in the US and UK, but also in Europe, Canada, Australia, and the like.
Urban globalists control most of the means of communications [is this new “means of production”; the 21st Century marxian dialectic?] and therefore control “information” and the perception of events.
“Nationalists”, then, are operating instinctively, and in darkness.
There is little doubt that the US, despite the evidence that economic recovery is at hand, could spiral into a self-destructive descent of dysfunction, dystopia, and anomie. The path toward a “second civil war” has significant parallels with the causes of the first US Civil War (1861-65). Both events — the 19th Century event and a possible 21st Century one — saw the polarization of a fundamentally urban, abstract society against a fundamentally regional, traditional society.
In some respects, it is a conflict between people with long memories (even if those memories are flawed and selective) and people to whom memories and history are irrelevant. Equally, it is a conflict between identity and materialism, with the abstract social groups (the urban populations) the most preoccupied with short-term material gain.
I have covered the US for 50 years, and my earliest view of it was, a half century ago, that its populations would inevitably polarize into protective islands of self-interest, surrounded by seas of unthinking locusts. What is ironic is that the present islands of wealth and power — the cities — have come to represent short-term materialism, as cities have throughout history.
But what is interesting is that, despite the global attention on the political/geographic polarizations occur-ring in the US and other parts of the Western world, there has been a reversion in other parts of the world to a sense of Westphalian or pre-Westphalian nationalism. The fact that “the West” may have ring-fenced Iran, Russia, and so on, with sanctions and other forms of isolation may well be what ensures their endur-ing status.
They have avoided the contagion of globalism.
Russia, indeed, recovered from the Soviet form of globalism in 1991.
An urban globalist “victory” over Trump and Brexit would trigger that meltdown toward a form of civil so-cietal collapse — civil war in some form or other — as the regions disavow the diktats of the cities. That would, in turn, bring about the global economic uncertainty which could impact the PRC and then the en-tire world.
But such a conflict — physical or political — could, equally, lead to a victory for nationalism over global-ism, and to the protection of currencies and values. We have seen this cycle repeated for millennia.
It is the eternal battle.
By Gregory R. Copley via GIS/Defense & Foreign Affairs
AJ adds:The Second Civil War has already begun. A wide swath of the Country where Democrats rule simply refuses to enforce the Law. In fact many Mayors and other politicians refuse to enforce immigration laws and sympathize with the anarchist forces who are tearing down statues in order to delegitimize the Constitution. The communist/anarchist factions do not command the support of the majority, but they did not command majority support in the Russia of 1917 either.

Dershowitz' plea to Liberals.

By Jessica Chasmar - The Washington Times - Tuesday, August 22, 2017
Prominent Harvard law professor and liberal author Alan Dershowitz rebuked the hard-left militant movement Antifa on Tuesday, saying liberals need to avoid turning violent leftist factions into heroes.
Appearing on “Fox & Friends” Tuesday morning, Mr. Dershowitz said the movement sweeping the country to take down Confederate-era statues that some find offensive is setting a dangerous precedent.
“Do not glorify the violent people who are now tearing down the statues,” he said. “Many of these people, not all of them, many of these people are trying to tear down America.
“Antifa is a radical anti-American, anti-free market, communist, socialist, hard, hard left censorial organization that tries to stop speakers on campuses from speaking,” Mr. Dershowitz said. “They use violence. And just because they’re opposed to fascism and to some of these monuments shouldn’t make them heroes of the liberals.”
“I’m a liberal, and I think it’s the obligation of liberals to speak out against the hard left radicals just like it’s the obligation of conservatives to speak out against the extremism of the hard right,” he added.
Mr. Dershowitz acknowledged that while some historical monuments are better suited in museums, liberals should avoid becoming Stalinist in trying to erase or revise history.
“We have to use this as an educational moment,” he said. “We have to take some of the statues that were put up more recently, for example, during the Civil Rights Movement and perhaps move them to museums where they can be used to teach young students about how statues are intended sometimes for bad purposes, to glorify negatives and to hold back positive developments.”
“But the idea of willy-nilly going through and doing what Stalin did — just erasing history and re-writing it to serve current purposes — does pose a danger, and it poses a danger of educational malpractice, of missing opportunities to educate people, and of going too far,” he said.
Mr. Dershowitz argued that the movement against Confederate-era statues ignores other discriminated groups in America, like Jews, women, and the Japanese.
“Once you start rewriting history of African Americans in this country, you have to start rewriting history of discrimination against many, many other groups,” he said. “Look, we’re both a nation of immigrants and a nation of discrimination against immigrants. That’s an important history for us to remember.”

Monday, August 21, 2017

The real aim of the Antifa Fascists.

By Cheryl K. Chumley - The Washington Times - Saturday, August 19, 2017
Don’t for one minute think this past week of Charlottesville-tied mayhem has been over a statue of Robert E. Lee.
It’s not. It’s about power, control and the political course our nation will take as we head into the future.
Don’t see the connection? Walk with me.
The clashes in Charlottesville, disgusting as they were — fatal as they proved — were quickly seized upon by a committed far-left that wants nothing more than to A) remove this president from office and B) change the constitutional nature of America’s society for one that’s ruled by whim and mob voice, rather than law and order.
Charlottesville was the perfect confluence of hot emotion and irrefutable evil. The neo-Nazi mindset is ugly and white supremacist beliefs, wicked. The torch-bearing protesters angry at the idea of the whitewashing of history that comes with the removal of the Confederate statue didn’t help their cause by — well, bearing torches.
The Antifa fascists, Black Lives Matter types and communist-socialist-anarchist thugs who came to Charlottesville weren’t exactly innocent players in the clashes that followed; they came to the community with violence on their minds.
But the media message was this: It was white supremacists and neo-Nazis, for goodness sake! And with that, Reason left the room.
Hot Emotion stayed. It became the wedge of the left for what followed. Those who dared suggest the statue should stay for historical reasons became cast as white supremacists themselves. Those who pointed to the First Amendment rights of protesters of all walks, from far left to far right and all points in between, were slammed as neo-Nazi sympathizers.
Nancy Pelosi called for the National Parks Service to yank an already-approved permit for white supremacists to protest at a spot in California. The mayor of Charlottesville, the Democratic activist and anti-President Donald Trumper Michael Signer took to national television to draw a direct line between the White House and the city’s violence, saying most shamefully and unfairly, “Look at the campaign he ran,” while pointing blaming fingers squarely at the president.

The progressive, Asian, black and Hispanic caucuses in Congress penned quick letters to the White House, demanding the immediate removal of aides Steve Bannon, Stephen Miller and Sebastian Gorka because of their so-deemed, yet entirely unsubstantiated, white supremacist views.
Baltimore in the middle of the night removed its Confederate-tied monuments. North Carolina thugs in Durham tore down a Confederate soldier statue and kicked and spat on it. A pastor — a man of Christ — called for the renaming of Washington Park in Chicago, as well as the removal of its George Washington statue and the renaming of Jackson Park. Why? The names conjures images of slavery, he said.
Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan removed the Taney statue from the State House — a step aimed at appeasing those offended by the fact it showed the likeness of the very U.S. Supreme Court justice, Roger B. Taney, who wrote the famous 1857 Dred Scott decision upholding slavery and denying citizenship to blacks.
Democrats in Congress called for an all-out cleansing of Confederate-tied statues, monuments and structures from Statuary Hall, a Capitol Hill fixture and popular tourist draw that contains dozens of contributions from individual states.
“The Capitol is a place for all Americans to come and feel welcomed, encouraged and inspired,” said Sen. Cory Booker, New Jersey Democrat. “Confederate statues do the opposite.”
This, from House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi: “The Confederate statues in the halls of Congress have always been reprehensible. If Republicans are serious about rejecting white supremacy, I call upon Speaker [Paul] Ryan to join Democrats to remove the Confederate statues from the Capitol immediately.”
And then, the capping to the left’s week of anti-Trump hurrahs: Rep. Steve Cohen of Tennessee announced intent to bring forth articles of impeachment against president, saying his remarks, post-Charlottesville, proved his inability to lead.
In a tweet, Cohen followed that claim with this rather arrogant and ominous vow: “These boots are made for walking and one of these days they’ll walk all over you. YOU #DonaldTrump.”
Breathing a sigh of relief the week’s news cycle has wrapped? Don’t. The left’s only warming up. This insanity is not going to end any time soon. The train still has to ride over the Washington, D.C., monuments of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. Al Sharpton’s already called on Congress to defund the Jefferson Memorial in the District, saying Jefferson “had slaves and children with the slaves” and that tax dollars that are used to fund this monument are an affront.
“When you look at the fact that public monuments are supported by public funds,” Sharpton told Charlie Rose in a recent televised interview, “you are asking me to subsidize the insult of my family.”
Keep going. The journey’s not over. Next stop: The documents of these so-dubbed racist Founding Fathers. The Declaration of Independence. The U.S. Constitution. And the question that looms — the question that’s to be posed by the left: How can these documents represent the freedoms of all, when they were penned by those with racist mindsets?
Once it’s admitted into U.S. society that Jefferson and Washington have no business being represented in the public memorials of America, it’s only a small, very small step to say the same of their writings? But what are we going to do, rip up the original Declaration of Independence — tear the Constitution to shreds? What would that accomplish?
Tearing the paper is meaningless.
It’s the spirit behind the paper the left wants torn. These documents are what gives life to America’s government.
This is the left’s logic: If America’s founders were racist, then the documents the founders wrote were racist — and since these are the documents that still guide our governance today, then America’s entire political system is inherently racist.
This is what the left is after; this is the end goal — a complete upheaval of America’s republic and uprooting of law and order. The quest is dark. It would mean the end of America’s greatest asset — the fact that our country is built upon the foundation that individual rights come from God, not government. It would leave a nation at moral and political drift, a society in chaos, a wide open door for those with selfish desires to take the reigns of political power.
What to do?
Our job, our responsibility, as a nation of patriotic, evangelical, constitutional, civic-minded, law-and-order-loving people, is to root out the evil without killing the dream.
White supremacy is an evil; Antifa violence is an evil; Black Lives Matter racism is an evil.
But the monuments? They’re symbolic of America’s progress. Wiping them off the face of the earth won’t change the fact that racism existed in this country. What it will do, however, is give the left a fighting tool to argue against the greatness of our founding documents, and therefore, the exceptionalism of our country’s republic.
The only sane solution to this anti-monument madness that’s sweeping the nation is for those who care about preserving our country’s greatness to stand fast against this destruction, get in the political game, and demand their local government officials, state politicians and congressional representatives put a stop to this historical whitewashing.
Fear of being slandered a racist by the left is not a good reason to stand silent.
The fate of our nation, the direction of our government, the greatness of our country, rests entirely on the will of the people to keep the dream alive. In short, the spirit needs wings. 
 AJ adds: Giving in to the new Fascists will not end their quest to overthrow elected govt.

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Gold: the outlook now.

Gold prices have been slowly increasing.
As gold price increases toward a breakout, it is knocked back. This is especially notable on the graph of what happened last week Thursday and Friday. Gold surged past 1,300 then it was knocked back on heavy volume. You can see the effect of the takedown on my favorite gold miner:
As you can see, the knockdown almost negated the breakout of Thursday. This is in line with what has been done to the gold miners:
Clearly, gold mining stocks have really suffered as the result of the price manipulation. In fact, the manipulators have practically driven the junior gold miners out of business. That is why these stocks are such bargain.
So, what do the experts expect is going to happen? Most of them forecast a rally in gold price and the question is whether gold is going to punch through the 1,300 level and go beyond that. The Edelson Institute disagrees:
The Edelson Institute's cycle predictor forecasts a rally in September that will last a month and will be followed by another dip in October, November and December. That is when everyone concludes that gold is worthless and then the big boys will take up gold in 2018.
Another metal ready to rally is uranium. This depends on the Japanese restarts. One of the best companies is UEC, which leaches uranium out of the ground and is low cost and low pollution. It has bought up properties while the industry was suffering.

Friday, August 18, 2017

America is under attack from within.

America Is Under Attack from Within

RUSH: America is under attack from within. Our culture, our history, our founding are under the most direct assault I have seen in my life. And I’m sure it’s the same with you. We haven’t seen anything like this. You might even get away with saying that we are on the cusp of a second civil war. Some of you might say that we are already into it, that it has already begun. However you characterize it, though, we are under attack from within. And it’s being bought and paid for by people from outside America, in addition to inside.
I’m thinking of people like George Soros and any other number of international financiers whose objective it is to take the United States out and down as a superpower, to literally erase the United States as a powerful or super powerful nation.
Now, folks, in order to defend America, which I believe is incumbent upon all of us, in order to defend America, you have to begin knowing our history. If you’re gonna defend the United States of America, you have to know our history. You have to know the purpose of the United States of America. You have to know unequivocally and proudly the United States’ place in history. And that is why erasing and distorting our history is crucial for the left to succeed.
None of this that is happening on the left is random. None of the riots, none of the protests. They are not the result of the left being offended by individual acts. Antifa didn’t show up in Charlottesville because they found out something was going to happen that offended them. They showed up in Charlottesville to create mayhem and cause hell. They showed up in Ferguson, Missouri, to do the same thing.
They showed up in Baltimore to do the same thing — and wherever they show up today and tomorrow and next week, it’s by design, on purpose, has an objective and an agenda. And that agenda is to erase American history. That agenda is to distort, erase, and impugn our history. It is crucial if they are to succeed. Because, you see, if enough Americans can be persuaded that America, as founded, is unjust — if enough Americans can be persuaded that America as founded is inherently racist and immoral and illegitimate — then it will be all that much easier to erase America as founded..
This is a very, very serious effort that is underway. Sadly, it has a lot of allies. It has a lot of people helping it that ought to be opposing it, but they are choosing what they think is the path of least resistance, which is defined by the media. You’ve got several Republicans who I believe are unwittingly participating in the effort to cast America as indefensible, particularly with Donald Trump as president. Trump as president is, in their view…
The attacks on Trump, the characterization of his presidency, is designed to show how really flawed America is. That somebody like this could be elected, that means it’s time to get rid of the Constitution. That means it’s time to get… Whatever made Trump possible, it’s time to change it and get rid of it. This is very, very serious stuff happening here, and it has the aid and support of the media, which means it has the aid and support of the worldwide left and the Democrat Party.
They’re not in this just to remove Republicans, and they’re not in this just to remove Donald Trump. The campaign here is to convince you that your country isn’t worth defending. The campaign here is to convince you your country is deeply flawed from the outset and needs to be completely remade, reconstituted, outside the framework of a constitutional republic. “That has failed! We must discard that and reconstitute ourselves as an authoritarian, benevolent” that’s what they think it would be “tyranny.” The campaign is to concentrate power and to end the era of the individual and individual liberty.
And yet all of it is under assault and being rewritten with the theme being that this country is not worth it, that it is deeply flawed. America is not worth defending. It’s inherently racist and unjust. And here’s the real irony. This bunch of people down in Charlottesville, this ragtag bunch of Nazis and Klan members and white supremacists? There’s not enough of those people to affect any kind of change whatsoever. Not systemic change. Not enough of those people to elect enough people to matter. There aren’t enough of those people to matter, period.
They are not the problem. They don’t have power in America today. They don’t have any, compared to the people opposing them. How many people show up at a Klan rally these days if they have one? The media doesn’t show you because it’s so tiny. The media wants you to think the Klan elected Donald Trump. The media wants you to think the Klan, the Nazis, and the white supremacists elected Donald Trump and that Steve Bannon put ’em all together and grew them. There aren’t enough of those people to elect a member of Congress, much less a president.
They are not the problem. The problem is on the other side. The problem comes from people who do have power — and what power they have! They have the power to shut down free speech on campus. They have the power to totally corrupt the movie, the book, the music and TV industries. They have real power! The anarchists, the anti-Americans, the Antifa, the Occupy Wall Street, the Black Lives Matter, the United States mainstream media, the Democrat Party, they have power. They are leading the effort that is attempting to teach that America is unjust and immoral and illegal.
These little hapless people marching around wearing white hoods couldn’t stop diddly-squat. They don’t have any power. They’ve been shamed into practically nonexistence. Yet they are hoisted up. They are portrayed as the people running this country — or the people who used to run this country and they ran it for all these years, and now they are losing it, justifiably, and they are panicked and causing trouble. They don’t have any power compared to the people that I’m talking about. You think the Klan can compare to the mainstream media?
But yet look how they are portrayed. None of these people run institutions of higher learning. None of these people are in charge of massive amounts of money donated by other wealthy people and then redistributed to advance the leftist cause. They don’t have anything like that. They’re not the people to worry about. And yet, turn on the news, and the only people to worry about — and the reason why America must be reconstituted, the reason why America is unjust and illegitimate — is because of a bunch of people who wouldn’t fill a phone booth in a proportional illustration of the population of this country.
In the process, the American people are being misdirected and told to fear the wrong people. At the same time, they’re being told to believe and appreciate “the right people,” and the right people are the people who really wield the power and who really have, as their objectives, to undermine and overthrow the Constitution of this country and create something different that will end up nullifying the whole concept of individual liberty and freedom. You already see this on the internet. The internet is unregulated, and that’s good.
But look what has happened here. Do you think the Klan can hold a candle to PayPal? Can the Nazis hold a candle to Facebook? Can white supremacists in any way compete in terms of power with Twitter? There’s no way. So those websites have all decided amongst themselves — the CEOs of those websites have unilaterally decided — they are not gonna allow any speech they don’t like. Now, they do this under the guise of banning hate speech from the Nazis and related websites, white supremacist websites and so forth. And it’s applauded...
But political speech, specifically referenced in the founding documents, there isn’t any limit on it. Hate speech, the speech you hate and disagree with, that is the speech protected. And the age-old theory has been the way you drown it out is with mountains and mountains and mountains of more free speech that condemns, that ridicules, that relegates.
But that’s not how the left goes about it. The left gets offended and says, “You don’t have the right to offend me. I’m shutting you up or down.” And people applaud it. Those are the people have the power in America today, folks. The people that run universities that you’re spending $25,000 a semester to send your kid to. The Drive-By Media. Your local school board, the Hollywood entertainment industry, that’s real power. That’s where the power is. And it’s all aligned and arrayed on one side.
Donald Trump is coming up against it. Who do you think’s winning that battle? Who’s winning that battle of power? And then you want to tell me they want to tell me that we need to really fear this bunch of lunatics in the Klan and this bunch of hapless half-wits in the white supremacy movement? Seriously?

A new barbarism has come to America.

America's 2nd Civil War

Pat Buchanan: 'Like ISIS ... the new barbarism has come to America'

“They had found a leader, Robert E. Lee – and what a leader! … No military leader since Napoleon has aroused such enthusiastic devotion among troops as did Lee when he reviewed them on his horse Traveller.”So wrote Samuel Eliot Morison in his magisterial “The Oxford History of the American People” in 1965.
First in his class at West Point, hero of the Mexican War, Lee was the man to whom President Lincoln turned to lead his army. But when Virginia seceded, Lee would not lift up his sword against his own people and chose to defend his home state rather than wage war upon her.
This veneration of Lee, wrote Richard Weaver, “appears in the saying attributed to a Confederate soldier, ‘The rest of us may have … descended from monkeys, but it took a God to make Marse Robert.'”
Growing up after World War II, this was accepted history.
Yet, on the militant left today, the name Lee evokes raw hatred and howls of “racist and traitor.” A clamor has arisen to have all statues of him and all Confederate soldiers and statesmen pulled down from their pedestals and put in museums or tossed onto trash piles.
What has changed since 1965?
It is not history. There have been no great new discoveries about Lee.
What has changed is America herself. She is not the same country. We have passed through a great social, cultural and moral revolution that has left us irretrievably divided on separate shores.
And the politicians are in panic.
Two years ago, Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe called the giant statues of Lee and “Stonewall” Jackson on Richmond’s Monument Avenue “parts of our heritage.” After Charlottesville, New York-born-and-bred McAuliffe, entertaining higher ambitions, went full scalawag, demanding the statues be pulled down as “flashpoints for hatred, division and violence.”
Who hates the statues, Terry? Who’s going to cause the violence? Answer: The Democratic left whom Terry must now appease.
McAuliffe is echoed by Lt. Gov. Ralph Northam, the Democratic candidate in November to succeed McAuliffe. GOP nominee Ed Gillespie wants Monument Avenue left alone.
The election is the place to decide this, but the left will not wait.
In Durham, North Carolina, our Taliban smashed the statue of a Confederate soldier. Near the entrance of Duke University Chapel, a statue of Lee has been defaced, the nose broken off.
Wednesday at dawn, Baltimore carried out a cultural cleansing by taking down statues of Lee and Maryland Chief Justice Roger Taney who wrote the Dred Scott decision and opposed Lincoln’s suspension of the right of habeas corpus.
Like ISIS, which smashed the storied ruins of Palmyra, and the al-Qaida rebels who ravaged the fabled Saharan city of Timbuktu, the new barbarism has come to America. This is going to become a blazing issue, not only between but within the parties.
For there are 10 Confederates in Statuary Hall in the Capitol, among them Lee, Georgia’s Alexander Stephens, vice president to Jefferson Davis, and Davis himself. The Black Caucus wants them gone.
Mount Rushmore-sized carvings of Lee, Jackson and Davis are on Stone Mountain, Georgia. Are they to be blasted off?
There are countless universities, colleges and high schools like Washington & Lee named for Confederate statesmen and soldiers. Across the Potomac from D.C. are Jefferson Davis Highway and Leesburg Pike to Leesburg itself, 25 miles north. Are all highways, streets, towns and counties named for Confederates to be renamed? What about Fort Bragg?
On every Civil War battlefield, there are monuments to the Southern fallen. Gettysburg has hundreds of memorials, statues and markers. But if, as the left insists we accept, the Confederates were traitors trying to tear America apart to preserve an evil system, upon what ground do Democrats stand to resist the radical left’s demands?What do we do with those battlefields where Confederates were victorious: Bull Run, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville?
“Where does this all end?” President Trump asked.
It doesn’t. Not until America’s histories and biographies are burned and new texts written to Nazify Lee, Jackson, Davis and all the rest, will a newly indoctrinated generation of Americans accede to this demand to tear down and destroy what their fathers cherished.
And once all the Confederates are gone, one must begin with the explorers, and then the slave owners like Presidents Washington, Jefferson and Madison, who seceded from slave-free Britain. White supremacists all.
Andrew Jackson, Henry Clay of Kentucky and John Calhoun must swiftly follow.
Then there are all those segregationists. From 1865 to 1965, virtually all of the great Southern senators were white supremacists. In the first half of the 20th century, Woodrow Wilson and FDR carried all 11 states of a rigidly segregationist South all six times they ran, and FDR rewarded Dixie by putting a Klansman on the Supreme Court.
While easy for Republicans to wash their hands of such odious elements as Nazis in Charlottesville, will they take up the defense of the monuments and statues that have defined our history, or capitulate to the icon-smashers?
In this Second American Civil War, whose side are you on?

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Volcanism and C oh two. Ratios.

Ian Rutherford Plimer is an Australian geologist, professor emeritus of earth sciences at the University of Melbourne, professor of mining geology at the University of Adelaide, and the director of multiple mineral exploration and mining companies. He has published 130 scientific papers, six books and edited the Encyclopedia of Geology.


Born February 1946         (age 71)


Residence           Australia


Nationality          Australian






Where Does the Carbon Dioxide Really Come From?

Professor Ian Plimer could not have said it better!


PLIMER: "Okay, here's the bombshell. The volcanic eruption in Iceland. Since its first spewing of volcanic ash has, in just FOUR DAYS, NEGATED EVERY SINGLE EFFORT you have made in the past five years to control CO2 emissions on our planet - all of you. Of course, you know about this evil carbon dioxide that we are trying to suppress - it’s that vital chemical compound that every plant requires to live and grow and to synthesize into oxygen for us humans and all animal life.


I's very disheartening to realize that all of the carbon emission savings you have accomplished while suffering the inconvenience and expense of driving Prius hybrids, buying fabric grocery bags, sitting up till midnight to finish your kids "The Green Revolution" science project, throwing out all of your non-green cleaning supplies, using only two squares of toilet paper, putting a brick in your toilet tank reservoir, selling your SUV and speedboat, vacationing at home instead of abroad, nearly getting hit every day on your bicycle, replacing all of your 50 cent light bulbs with $10.00 light bulbs.....well, all of those things you have done have all gone down the tubes in just four days.


The volcanic ash emitted into the Earth's atmosphere in just four days - yes, FOUR DAYS - by that volcano in Iceland has totally erased every single effort you have made to reduce the evil beast, carbon. And there are around 200 active volcanoes on the planet spewing out this crud at any one time - EVERY DAY.


I don't really want to rain on your parade too much, but I should mention that when the volcano Mt Pinatubo erupted in the Philippines in 1991, it spewed out more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere than the entire human race had emitted in all its years on earth.
Yes, folks, Mt Pinatubo was active for over one year - think about it.


Of course, I shouldn't spoil this 'touchy-feely tree-hugging' moment and mention the effect of solar and cosmic activity and the well-recognized 800-year global heating and cooling cycle, which keeps happening despite our completely insignificant efforts to affect climate change.


And I do wish I had a silver lining to this volcanic ash cloud, but the fact of the matter is that the bush fire season across the western USA and Australia this year alone will negate your efforts to reduce carbon in our world for the next two to three years. And it happens every year.


Just remember that your government just tried to impose a whopping carbon tax on you, on the basis of the bogus 'human-caused' climate-change scenario.


Hey, isn’t it interesting how they don’t mention 'Global Warming' anymore, but just 'Climate Change' - you know why?


It’s because the planet has COOLED by 0.7 degrees in the past century and these global warming bullshit artists got caught with their pants down.


And, just keep in mind that you might yet have an Emissions Trading Scheme - that whopping new tax - imposed on you that will achieve absolutely nothing except make you poorer.


It won’t stop any volcanoes from erupting, that’s for sure.

But, hey, relax...... and have a nice day!"

Cultural Revolution comes to America.

The movement to scrap Confederate monuments is very similar to China's Cultural Revolution. A cadre of organized hoodlums wants to tear down monuments and through that tear down the Country's Constitution. If you oppose them, you are labeled as a racist, a white nationalist, a Neo-Nazi.

The cultural revolution is promoted by the dishonest media that distorts and misreports what has happened and especially, what Pres Trump said about it. Of the latter, you can view it here:

What is discouraging is that the cowardly GOP is legitimizing the Left by not daring to challenge the lies peddled by the fake news Media.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Attack on monuments is attack on Constitution!

The radicals are now attacking Washington and Jefferson. They are attacking the legitimacy of the Constitution. They are aiming at setting up a communist revolutionary government. Oh, and they want to undo the result of the last election. Why Trump was late in condemning the Klan and he omitted a comma when doing so.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

The Charlottesville caper (of Leftist mayhem)

Here are the facts about Charlottesville:

1. Charlottesville is run by Democrats, including its black Police Chief.

2. The whole demonstration this weekend was a setup, deliberately promoting violence.

   a) the two groups were placed next to each other to promote contact;
   b) the 'rightists' (including National Socialists) had to cross the Leftists on their march;
   c) the objective was to produce bloodied faces;

3. Police were told to stand down and not help the 'rightists.' The Police Chief denies it, but participants confirm it;

4. The media did its thing: first they denounced the President for not naming names, then they denounced him when he did, because he was late. The Media is full of Trump haters;

4. The Left is bent on destroying Confederate monuments as the new cause celebre. It is designed to inflame the black populace for the coming election.

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Dr Lilla on the troubles of Liberalism.

Dr Mark Lilla is a Professor of Humanities at Columbia University and of course is a Liberal. He is trying to formulate the ideas of why Liberalism is heaving such a hard time to be accepted. It is perplexing all right. With Liberals directing the Media, the Academia and the law profession, it is difficult to understand how Republicans made such inroads into State and national governments.

He attributes the loss of traction by Liberals to the side effects of identity politics. Supposedly, identity politics have driven the concept of "we" from Liberals, so that each group is looking inward instead outward. In such an environment, a Liberal's identity becomes its politics, leaving little room to reach out let alone debate us Conservatives. Liberalism thrives on campus, away from the population, sort of in an ivory tower.

While, Dr Lilla's analysis has some merit, he leaves out a crucial thing: Barack Obama has increased the speed of Liberal transformation and thus the population got to see the consequences of Liberalism. Everything that Liberalism has touched is a disaster with the exception of tech, though even that is coming apart as evidenced by the troubles of Google. Liberalism can exist only where it is subsidized and it can exert its own kind of fascism. For the time being. It is the ultimate swamp. It won't be drained but replaced by robots.

VA: a left wing operation.

Leftists are trying to remove Confederate monuments. People try to protest. Left wingers attack them. Media portrays the protesters as the aggressors. Typical Left wing operation.

Friday, August 11, 2017

DNC "hack" was a leak - the proof

A New Report Raises Big Questions About Last Year’s DNC Hack

Former NSA experts say it wasn’t a hack at all, but a leak—an inside job by someone with access to the DNC’s system.