Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Soicialist "thinking" is one folly after another.

Socialists from Europe and the US are drowning in stupid thinking and are pulling down their countries. Do you recall EU officials who decided what curvature a banana could have? I am not kidding. Then there was the "Global Warming" scam, aided and abetted by scientists from East Anglia getting caught at producing fraudulent data. So, here comes the latest scam: in order to prevent bottling companies from selling bottled water, EU officials decided that bottled water does not rehydrate and can not be advertized as such. They relied on some other fraudulent junk science. Do you then wonder that the Socialists got their countries' finances so screwed up that they can not fund their borrowing. Greece is a basket case and so is Ireland and Portugal. These countries have already received bailouts. Italy and Spain are under the gun now and the new Spanish PM admits that Spain can not finance its debt at 7% rate. Same for Italy. And the contagion is now spreading to Belgium and even France.

Socialists are just as nutty in the US, except we call them Liberals. In a Florida school a girl kissed a boy and the school called the cops because they considered the event a "sex crime." Really? In another school, a Mother warned school officials that her boy's entanglement with a gay student was going to be trouble. The school's answer? Let the boy explore his sexuality. So, the boy shot the gay student.

Nothing shows the stupidity and duplicity of Liberals better than the just concluded meetings of the Deficit Reduction Committee. How Americans put up with the charade and why they allow the Media to misreport it is a mystery to me. The whole thing was a sham. The Committee supposedly was called to decide on how to reduce the deficit by $1.2T in ten years. That's $120B/year. Considering that "baseline budgeting" means at least a 10% increase in the budget each year, the s0-called "cuts" were no cuts at all, but a slight slowing in the increase in spending (the current base-line budgeting calls for an increase of almost $400B/year). So, why did Congress engage in this dishonest charade?

Republicans are deathly afraid of the power of the Media, so they agreed to the lifting of the Debt Limit. The deficit reduction panel was a fig leaf for John Boehner, who negotiated the "deal" with Obama behind closed doors. The Dems had no intention of reaching a deal. What they wanted was a campaign issue. They can now shriek (along with the Media) that Republicans are obstructionists that they want to preserve "tax cuts for the rich." Obama can up the ante by insisting on to repeat the cutting out of the payroll tax, making 47% of the taxpayers paying nothing. There is one more sham to this whole wretched deal: the "sequestering." A $600B cut in the military budget is included as another club that Dems plan to use to scuttle ANY "cut" even the phony cut.

What the Dems want is what goes on in Europe: 50% income tax for workers and even higher taxes for the high earners, emasculating the military and low growth of the economy. That way, Americans will be slaves to state control.

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