Wednesday, November 14, 2012

France: Hollande unraveling.

French politics has its own pattern. The French vote for a candidate that promises "change," then spend the time to the next election protesting the changes. President Hollande was elected with a popularity of 60%, which has plunged to less than 40% now. Clearly, the French are not enamored by the efforts to reform Socialism:

Clearly, there are enough Muslims, imported Africans and miseducated youth in France to keep voting Socialist. The problem is with the electorate: they expect the Socialists to reform Socialism. So far, this has been only done in China, where most of Socialism has been reformed out of existence. But, China has started at a very low level of competitiveness so any reform has big consequences. France is mired in deep sloth and government interference and most any change is politically impossible.

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