Monday, December 17, 2012

The metaphore of the areal stunt.

Areal stunts are a tradition in America. It is a long way from the Wing Walkers to the Blue Angels, but America's best pilots put on a show that is absolutely breath taking. The show relies on technology, coordination and courage. The planes fly in a tight formation with wing tips 18 inches from each  other. Each pilot cues in the next plane and all follow the lead plane. One false move and disaster! Perhaps the most famous and most dangerous stunt is the backward loop: the planes fly straight up then loop backwards and streak toward the ground. Then they pull out of the dive and streak by the field at a 100 feet altitude with a teeth rattling boom that leaves Spectators awe struck.

Everything must work perfectly, every pilot must perform flawlessly. One faulty component, one pilot making a mistake spells disaster not only for the planes and the pilots, but spectators as well. Like the 1982 Air Force Thunderbirds. Doing the backward loop, the pilots followed the lead plane which never pulled out. One tiny component did not perform as required and four brave pilots died that day.

KingWorld News' Fitzwilson likens the machinations of the world's Central Banks to the flight of the Thunderbirds. Central Banks are following the lead of the FED which has embarked on an unprecedented venture of printing money, suppressing gold prices and distorting interest rates. We are told that the FED will pull out of this dive before disaster hits. I guess every generation produces men with hubris who believe that they know everything, can control everything and nothing will go wrong. At stake is the fate of the US Dollar and the financial institutions of the whole world.

Meanwhile, the Obama regime is engaged in its own dive, with the Media acting as an enabler propagandist. Raising taxes on the top two percent of earners is a tool to crash the economy and destroy Capitalism.

Surely, you must think, I am exaggerating. Unfortunately not. The top two percent of EARNERS includes the Nation's small business men responsible for 60% of job creation. Tax them at a higher rate and we go into a Depression. Why would going back to Clinton's tax rates create such havoc, you might ax. Because the Budget is now 4x what it was under Clinton and there is no way to have a balanced budget without going into a Marxist seizure of private property. And that is the aim of the Obama regime.

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