Sunday, July 28, 2013

A Tale of two Cities

is the title of Dickens' novel of the French Revolution, as well as the title of FitzWilson's interview for KWN. Dickens was a critic of "conspicuous consumption," as contrasted to the plight of the French peasantry before the Revolution. FitzWilson's contrast has to do with the plight of Detroit as compared to Palo Alto and Facebook.

In fact, California itself offers a contrast of the haves and have nots: the conspicuous consumption of Hollywood and Silicon Valley  and the poverty of the inner regions of California, away from the Coast.

Drudge quotes an AP story that 4 out of 5 US adults face near poverty and no work. Even the surface wealth of the California Coast is shaky: 1) box office revenues for Hollywood are down by 19% and 2), Silicon Valley is propped up by the Stock Market bubble created by the FED.

The contrast between Detroit (Obamaville) and Palo Alto grows deeper, as ever larger parts of the Country fall victim to the chickens of Obama's economic policies coming home to roost.

1. Why do we have a "jobless recovery?" Because ObamaCare is forcing business to get rid of as many workers as possible and convert full timers to part timers.

2. Thus, the desire to look good in the profit column drives an unusual number of workers into unemployment.

3. Insurance premiums are driven sky high because of the mandates of ObamaCare.

4. The cost of an ever enlarging government shrinks the ability of private business to expand and hire more workers.

The French Revolution exacted a heavy price from the French aristocracy. Let us hope that our revolution takes place at the ballot box and exacts a heavy price from the ruling class.

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