Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Is the economy really getting better?

GDP figures for QII have been revised from 1.7% to 2.5%. Vow! The Obama cheerleader squad of "Reporters" squeals in delight that O'Bungle's policies are beginning to bear fruit. Is that true?

If you look at the numbers, we find that wages have actually decreased and real personal consumption, nondurable goods and spending on services are virtually flat. So, how did thw Labor Department can conclude that GDP increased from 1.7% to 2.5%?

The increase in the GDP is due entirely to the decrease in imports. SPECIFICALLY, to the decrease in the imports of oil. Yes, the much-maligned oil industry. The use of hydraulic fracturing techniques (FRACKING) has reduced oil imports from 10.2 million barrels to 6.8 million barrels. That is why the GDP figures were revised.

O'Bungle lost little time in trying to take credit for the increased oil production - something that he strenuously opposed. He claims that oil production has increased because of federal research and increased permitting. Hogwash.

Here are the actions O'Bungle took to DECREASE the use of oil production:
1. Initiated a federal investigation into fracking, trying to intimidate the oil industry;
2. Sought to limit drilling via the EPA;
3. Sought to use the SEC to force oil companies to admit to liabilities due to 'global warming.'
4. Slowed the permitting process for the Gulf of Mexico;
5. Blocked permits for drilling on ALL federally owned lands;
6. And called for a special tax of $44B on oil companies.

Increased oil and natural gas production is taking place not because of but in spite of O'Bungle.

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