Saturday, January 4, 2014

The ship of fools and other stories.

1. Did you know hat the ship that is stuck in Arctic ice is there to study global warming? Obviously, it is a ship of fools and con artists. Now, the ice breaker sent to rescue the ship of fools is also stuck in the allegedly melting ice.

2. Down at the other pole, the ice melt was the smallest in memory. Do you recall my post about the Danish theory re sunspots and their effect on cosmic radiation, cloud formation and temperature? The low sun spots forecast a cooling. Why is Algore not in jail?

3. Larry Edelson is crowing that we were wrong in saying that gold can't go down while all that money printing was going on. Except, we realized rather early that gold prices were being manipulated. Larry is yet to acknowledge the manipulation.

4. One place where Larry is right is in his prediction of increasing war. Al Qaeda is planting its black flag everywhere where Obama has destabilized governments on anti-Islamist efforts. Iraq, Yemen, Mali, Egypt, Libya, Syria and South Russia and Western China are all showing increased Al Qaeda activity. It matters not whether Obama is siding with Al Qaeda or he is stupid - the result is the same.

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