Friday, October 3, 2014

Ebola loose in US.

One confirmed case in Dallas, TX, one possible in Hawaii and several people exposed. The Obama regime does not even have to wait until American troops sent to Liberia get infected.

A possible solution. A company called Inovio has a vaccine that provided 100% protection in two species of animals where it was tried. The vaccine is made by using the DNA sequence of a protein specific for Ebola virus. No killed virus is used, so the vaccine is perfectly safe. The DNA sequence is made to enter the body by s small electric current (electroporation). What's the holdup? The vaccine needs to be tried in human beings. According to FDA rules, it might take years to do a P1, P2 and P3 study, unless someone steps in and approves the vaccine come next Spring.

Disclosure: I own some Inovio stock

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