Saturday, April 25, 2015

Qui custodiet ipsos custodes?

An old Latin phrase from the Poet Juvenal that means: who watches the watchers. This is particularly important in the face of the gross violations of judiciary and police procedures that are coming to light in Wisconsin. This is not the first time Democrats refused to accept the idea that Republicans can win elections. It began with the Nightriders when Democrats organized possies to intimidate Republicans in the South from voting. We saw it in Texas, where a rogue Prosecutor from Austin decided to prosecute Tom Delay for orchestrating a Republican win in the State legislature. Texas Democrats in Austin even indicted the Republican Governor for exercising his powers. But, all these pail in comparison to atrocities committed in Wisconsin.

The State has been one of the two States that fell under 'Progressive' domination, the other being California. When Scott Walker ( a mildly Conservative Republican) got elected Governor the State's 'Progressives' went into action using the State's laws and the position of the DA in Milwaukee County to reverse the election.

Using the infamous 'John Doe' law, the police broke down doors in the middle of the night, confiscated computers and cell phones, forbade the targets to have legal representation or even tell anyone what happened to them. Their crimes? They voted for Scott Walker or organized to support his efforts. Finally, some of the victims sought further judiciary review and the cases are going up to the Supreme Court:


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