Saturday, August 15, 2015

Ruling class vs Country class: the 2016 campaign.

Liberal outposts complain that this is the Year of the Outsider. Carly Fiorina, Ben Carson, Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump have catapulted to note and fame and in the case of Trump, to the lead in the Republican field.

The Drive-by Media is wringing its hands over the fact that they lost the ability to direct the outcome - at least so far in the election cycle. Their favorite scenario was that Hillary and Jeb Bush would be nominated and that the election of either would lead to either furthering the Liberal march to Social Democracy (if Hillary got elected) or consolidation of Liberal gains if Jeb Bush got elected.

That is the interest of the Ruling Class. The Democrat side of the Ruling Class wants new federal programs to cement the vote and flood the Country with Hispanics to maintain its rule. Their model is California that had been wrested from the Republicans by stuffing it with immigrants. Increasingly, the Democrat Party is becoming the Party of blacks and Hispanics. These folks cheer the idea that they will soon become the majority in many States. Liberal Democrats hate white men, who have a Republican majority. TV advertisement and TV shows are increasingly aimed at blacks, Hispanics and Orientals and you can tell by the ratio of participants in the commercials and shows. White men have almost disappeared in these media. Republicans in the Ruling Class want to run the Democrats' programs because they think they are more efficient in doing it. They also want more Hispanics, because Hispanics are poorly educated and command lower wages.

The Country Class consists largely of working people and small businesses. They see the results of increased federal incursion and they don't like the results. At least, this is the case among Republicans. They know that a Jeb Bush, a Kasich or even Christy are members of the ruling class in their orientation. That is why they are turning to the outsiders.

Among Democrats it is another story. It has dawned on Democrats that the Clintons are in it for the money. From the time that Bill was Governor and Hillary was his bag lady, to the time when Hillary was Secretary of State and Bill was the bag man, the Clintons had amassed literally hundreds of millions in "speaking fees" and "donations." People do not trust Hillary. On the other hand, Bernie Sanders is a true believer who does not mind being called a Socialist. The Democrat half of the Ruling Class is appalled. After all, the last thing they want is income equality.

So, both party establishments try to continue the rule of the insiders and are appalled by the outsiders.

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