Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Idiot of the day: Judge Richard Posner.

His citation is for stating that "there is no value in studying the US Constitution."

Posner dismisses the Constitution and its importance on the ground that when it was written its writers could not envision the technology of today.

Before we examine Posner's statement, we should ask: Why do we have a Judge who rules on constitutional issues if he does not think that the constitution is relevant today?

Posner's statement is pure idiocy. There is nothing in the Constitution that is technology dependent. The separation of powers? Not dependent on technology. The power of the States vs the Federal govt, the power of Congress to make laws or decide the budget, the inalienable rights of individuals, the limitation on how many terms a President can serve, etc, etc, NONE of these are technology dependent. True that technology creates some uncertainties in how laws are to be applied,  but that is why we have courts.

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