Saturday, September 14, 2019

Beto should be off the ballot.

Robert Francis "Beto" O'Rourke proposes that we have a Civil War. How has he done this? He promised in the last debate the 10 Democrats who are now running for President  that if elected he will issue a Presidential Ukaz (Executive Order) to confiscate all AR-15s and AK47s. He made it clear that the confiscation will NOT be voluntary.

To start with, his premise is ineffective at best. Legally purchased AK47s and AR15s are NOT military weapons. Let us define the terms we are dealing with. The military uses fully automatic weapons. That means that the trigger mechanism allows you to pull the trigger and as long as the trigger remains in that position, the weapon will fire continuously. Civilians are not allowed to own such a weapon by law. Civilians can purchase only semi-automatic weapons.These weapons can fire only one bullet for each pull of the trigger but the mechanism kicks out the spent cartridge and replaces it with a fresh one without the shooter needing to do anything. That is why they are  called SEMI-AUTOMATIC.  Ordinary weapons require the shooter to do something to put a fresh round in the firing chamber before the pull of the trigger will fire another bullet or shotgun ammo.

Legally sold AR-15s and AK47 s are made to look like military weapons, but they lack the capability to operate like military weapons. Mr O'Rourke knows that but the pretense that he lacks the knowledge of how weapons work is just a tool to confiscate all weapons Americans have and intend to use as a last resort to prevent would be tyrants from seizing power.

How does the promise of Robert Francis "Beto" O'Rourke is a call for Civil War? Several States (including Texas) have laws that prohibit the confiscation of weapons. Many Sheriffs and Police Chiefs stated that they will not enforce such calls to collect weapons. So, that means that Mr O;Rourke would have to use the military. Some would obey, some would refuse. That is the very definition of Civil War.

I propose that we call on State Governors to strike the name of Mt O;Rourke from primary ballots in next year's election. While the Constitution gives us a great leeway to say anything (one Rapper calls for white people to be shot) it does not prevent us from imposing consequences for proposing doing such things as starting a Civil War.

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