Obama's henchman, Janet ("Big Sis") Napolitano, may yet have ambitions to become the Ezhov to Obama. "Big Sis" has already told us of how she regards "right wingers" as enemies of the State, especially, former military men. The operation against Hutaree is an example of how a budding dictatorship begins its work: first it picks on an weak and unknown group untill real opposition to it coalesces and then it attacks to subdue the people.
Hutaree is an obscure group in Michigan, consisting of 2 or three families, totaling nine people. They are allegedly a Christian militia, organizing for the end time against the antichrist and Muslims. Perhaps "Big Sis" feels that this is aimed at Obama. It is alleged that the group planned to kill cops and attack the funerals to provoke an uprising against the government. No Christian group would plan murder, especially in such an unworkable plot. The government's charge smacks of a jimmied up excuse to begin subduing the populace. As a Michigan Democrat said, it will take time to put in the mechanics of controlling people.
The other method of a repressive government is to produce intolerable acts which the government has to put down. One such was the report by government whores in the Press that the Tea Party was threatening Congress. Ask yourself why the black members of Congress decided to walk through demonstrators instead of taking the customary buses to the Capitol entrance. The conclusion is obvious: the Obama regime tried to manufacture an excuse to move against the Tea Party people. The alleged cause was that a demonstrator was spitting on a black Congressman. Video shows that the demonstrator was using his hands as a megaphone and shouting, not spitting. Equally phony was the allegation in the Press that another Congressman was threatened by people putting a coffin on his lawn. The truth is that demonstrators were praying for him and the coffin was representing the thousands of babies that will be killed by ObamaCare paying for their murder in the womb.
The government used armed personnel carriers and helicopters to attack members of Hutaree. The picture of government agents attacking citizens not guilty of any crime is a chilling reminder of what the Obama regime may become.