Sunday, May 1, 2011

Consulting the bones of May.

Some fortunetellers would throw a few bones and judging from the patterns of their scatter, they would make predictions for the future. I wonder if they, like we, were consulting their memories to discern a pattern in the past. Then we make predictions based on what happened in the past.

This is the third year of the misrule of Obama and we can compare events to what happened under Jimmy Carter's misrule. During the Carter years, it was the third year of his misrule when precious metals hit the top of the chart then retreated as people figured that Carter would be a one term President. Figuring in for inflation, gold should hit $2,300 and silver $200. I suspect that as the Obama regime is busy undermining the dollar, these numbers should be obsolete and precious metals should hit twice these numbers. In THIS year. Should this turn out to be the case, gold and silver prices should accelerate from hereon.

Let's consult the bones. This time, the figures should be read from the bottom.

Gold (bottom graph) and silver (next up) have been rallying since March and the rate of rise in prices is accelerating. Friday, gold hit $1,570, before it settled back to $1,563 and change. Thus, an earlier prediction of gold hitting $1,555/oz has already been exceeded. What is next? $1,700 is believed to be the next top. The fundamentals of financial developments will encourage gold prices to rise. The default bluff of the Obama regime could very well be carried out. The US Dollar is already on a slippery slope.

The next graph up is THM. We see that THM increased by steps, rather than by a steady increment. THM has 10M oz of resource in gold to support mining for 20 Years. The company is about to enter the permitting process. Note that every increase in price is preceded by a double bottom. Volume has increased in the stock, but not all that much.

The last graph is the trading pattern of GPL(Great Panther). It can be thought of as primarily a silver miner with other metals thrown in, including gold. GPL has an ace up the sleeve, the potential gold mine where they have found electrum. GPL's rallies have ben short, its corrections deep and so we can expect the next rally to be steep as well. Rumor has it that the stock has been shorted and its holders have been encouraged to sell it. If past pattern is an indicator, GPL should hit between 8 and 9 on its next upleg. As the price of PM's is accelerating, we may expect an acceleration in the price of GPL as well.

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