Thursday, August 2, 2012

Divergence in opinions rises.

If you read Vince Martin's column in Seeking Alpha, you come away with the idea that those who believe that gold price is controlled are hopelessly deluded conspiracy nuts. If you read the comments from Weiss Research, you see that this organization comes down firmly on both sides of the issue: Larry Edelson forecasting a sharp drop in gold and silver, while Sean Broderick is giving a buy signal on gold and the PM miners. King World News is uniformly bullish, writing about the coming big rally in PMs. And if you look at gold prices, you see precious little change:

There is also diversion of opinions re the Stock Markets. People follow the action in the Industrials and also what is considered the World Stock Index, the WDOW. Here is the DOW:
We see a slow and steady advance, neither a fast breakout, nor a crash. If we look at the World Industrials, we see a similar trend:

Some people may wonder about my statements that the Obama regime intends to destroy the US economy and replicate the Roosevelt years of a severe Depression and Democrats winning re-election. Here is the proof of that:

Figuring on the Taxmageddon coming next year (the Bush tax cuts expiring and ObamaCare taxes) the economic course is clear if Obama gets re-elected: the worsening of the current recession. The goal of the regime is to make people more dependent on govt handouts.

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