Monday, January 21, 2013

European chill and the currency wars.

Kids in Beijing are making snow pandas and Russia is having record snows. French, British and German airports are canceling some flights because of snow. The cold of the Midwest is heading to the East. Australia had a heat wave and fires and Mongolians are losing their animals in the bitter cold. Yet the environmentalist whackoes of Lower Saxony(the Greens) and the Socialists of Germany had managed to eek out a one vote victory against Merkel's coalition. It's January across the globe.

While temperatures had dropped, currency wars are heating up. Foremost currency manipulator is Japan and the Yen hit a new low. South Koreans are complaining and getting ready to react or retaliate. The Euro had appreciated 11% against the Dollar and Sweden and Norway are lowering their interest rates. The whole Western world is ruining their currencies in the mistaken belief that this will compensate for government overspending and over regulation.

In the US, the little Satan was inaugurated to the delight of our Socialists. And the Republicans caved already and raised the debt ceiling. Time to run out my favorite Russian joke. Russian Pessimist: Things are so bad they can't get any worse. Russian Optimist: Oh, yes they can.

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