Sunday, March 3, 2013

Chaos builds in Europe and US.

Chaos in Europe is due to three elements hitting together: 1. fierce cold; 2. continued economic troubles and the Beppe Grillo phenomenon.

Ever since the January thaw was over, Europe has been getting hit with one cold wave after another. The Dutch are getting ready for a 200 kilometer skating marathon on the frozen canals, England has been hit by cold and snow so that their roads are like ice skating rinks and you can get some nice pictures of the Grand Canal in Venice sporting some nice ice flows. At least one hundred people died from the cold. The environmentalist whackoes still drone on about global warming and the necessity of using high-priced energy sources other than oil and gas.

Southern Europe is sliding into even more economic troubles and so is England. Portugal is having big demonstrations against austerity and the people do not understand that they can not solve their problems by having more of what ails them. There is no better example of this than the Beppe Grillo phenomenon:

Grillo and his followers understand that Italy's path of more govt spending is not sustainable. They understand that Italy's political class is corrupt. But they offer a mixed bag of tax cuts, "renegotiating" Italy's debt and re-instituting th Lire.

//N.B. Larry predicts that the Euro will disappear along with the EU//
Grillo's followers are young and bets are that they will be co-opted into the Old Left and like in the US, they will simply add to the Nation's woes.

And that takes us back to the US. Here, Obama is busy trying to recreate the Rooseveltian era of economic Depression, putting people on the dole and crushing the opposition via lies parroted by the Media. The entire Liberal Media is jumping on Bob Woodward because he tells the truth about sequestration being Obama's idea and labeling how the budget "cut"is implemented as "madness."

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