Saturday, March 9, 2013

Who is Beppe Grillo?

Thanks to the efforts of our Muslim President, the Western Mediterranean and Notrth Africa are once again in the hands of Islamic radicals and so Italy is again a defensive bulwark against them. How good a defensive bulwark? That depends on how strong a government Italy manages to form.

I have already described the difficulty of Italy forming a coalition government. In fact, some people are already looking to a second election in June to resolve the current impasse. In order to do that successfully, Italy must come to grips with who Beppe Grillo is and what he represents.

Eastern Europe and Southern Europe suffers under "Social Democracy" and the cure for that, "austerity." This had given rise to various Fascist movements, including Grillo's Five Star Party. What does Grillo represent?

According to Grillo, AIDS doesn't exist, vaccines will kill you, and the Holocaust never happened.
Big Pharma is out to get you with chemotherapy, and natural treatments (like bloodletting) are better than that awful scientific medicine. The world is run by Jewish bankers like the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds, and those blessed Islamic banks give out free money. Not like the usurious Jews, who want to kill off all their customers. Grillo's Iranian wife has high-level connections in Tehran, where making trouble in Italy is high on the priority list. Grillo has said that "everything I know about the Middle East I learned from my father-in-law," the Iranian bigshot. (Nasratollah Tajik just died in Tehran at the age of 83.) Grillo is threatening "violence in the streets" unless he gets what he wants. What does he want? "We want 100% of the Parliament, not 20% or 25% or 30%. When the movement reaches 100%, when the citizens become the State, the movement will no longer need to exist.

It sounds eerily like another time, does it not? Unlike Benito Mussolini (who was trim, prim and narcissistic) Beppo is a fat slob, but dangerous just the same.

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