Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The double talk about silver.

Money Morning asks the question as to why in the face of red hot sales of silver coins and bouillons, silver spot prices are languishing. Here is an answer from an expert:

"(Q): We've covered a lot of ground here today. Can I ask you to offer a summary - you know, to reiterate the key points you've made here?
Rich Checkan (A): Absolutely. To sum up ... the current situation in silver is nothing new. It is a temporary shortage of physical product - but not a shortage of silver itself. That's an important distinction. And even though the most popular forms of silver are experiencing higher premiums and extended delivery times, there are still a number of viable options available to the prospective silver buyer.
Obviously, there are no guarantees here. But it's our belief that there will be another leg up in this 13-year (and counting) precious-metals bull market."

So, there is no shortage of silver, even though there is a shortage of silver.

What is really going on? What is happening is that certain banks are shorting silver and gold to keep the price down. What is being shorted is the paper market and you can not get the physical without paying a premium. A lot of people are kept out of the market, because of the stagnating prices. And that creates the mirage that the FED's policies are working.

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