Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Gold, silver, Syria and Miley

As gold is aiming at 1,450 and silver at 25, Larry Edelson has grown quiet and absent from my emails from Uncommon Wisdom. No doubt that the crying you hear is his subscribers who bought the leveraged ETF on silver going down. But, Larry is a good technician and once he digests the lesson, he will be back, pretending that all that did not happen and that he called the turns of the PM Market perfectly.

Gold and Silver are heading higher. Why? Because Central Banks are now long, they are buying gold and silver and whatever is left is hovered up by China. The miners have not done that well, because they were influenced by the Stock Markets getting clobbered. Why is that happening? It is attributed to jitters over war with Syria. I should write a satire about how the Obama regime changes its mind about Syria: starting with tough talk of bombing for weeks, then days until the final day when five cruise missiles are launched.

The Syrian fiasco epitomizes the price of incompetence. The Syrian "civil war" is really a struggle between  Iran-backed Shiites and Al Qaeda- backed "rebels." Kucinich, the Ohio Leftist refers to the Obama effort as "being Al Qaeda's air force." The Obama regime simply wants to take people's minds off its failures and appeal to Americans' patriotism to support the President during a war. IT IS NOT GOING TO WORK!

We see a resumption of the commodities super cycle as China resumes its march toward a consumer society and needs commodities besides gold and silver.

Another important factor that weighs in on PM prices is the looming selection of FED Chairman. Bernanke will make a wonderful scapegoat for why the economy is not recovering fast enough) and Geithner is rumored to be dark horse. His allure? He will promote inflation to reduce the importance of the National Debt. Bernanke engineered the takedown of gold, but that simply stimulated demand for gold and silver. awhen the damage done by this regime is done, experts expect gold to end at $10,000/oz and silver at $500/oz. We will see.

What about Miley Cyrus? She is not the first young entertainer who is fed into the maw of decadent entertainment. The Harry Potter main character performed in the nude once he finished with his role. The progressive mindset is getting weirder and more debased as time goes on.  Miley Cyrus is Michael Jackson two steps down the road to Hell.

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