Sunday, August 4, 2013

Some people should pay a price...

1. The Treasury Bill Bubble.

QE III involves the purchase of $40B/month worth of Treasuries by the FED. Is this helping the economy? Not so much, but it has created a bubble in Treasuries and the bubble is being deflated as we watch. It is estimated that the FED has lost $195B on he 10y Treasuries it "owns" and this threatens its ability to defend the Dollar, since it has only a $60B to its credit. Of course it can print more money, but it sets up a vicious circle of inflation, increasing.

The Media is trying to keep this a secret, but word will get out. And those responsible will be held to account.

2. The squandering of Western gold.

The various schemes to suppress the gold price are not without cost. One became known recently due to the efforts of Alasdair McLeod. He noticed that the Bank of England reported a total of 500,000 gold bars on deposit (the BOE acts as a bank that deposits other people's gold) in February, whilst this decreased to 400,000 by the beginning of June. The difference (100K 400 oz gold bars) represents 1,300 tons of gold. Since, England owns only 300 tons, this means that 1,000 tons of gold is missing. Either that, or it has been loaned out not to the real owners. Since, the BOE reports these gold bars as 'not there' they may have been delivered to a second claimant. Just like the German gold. Germany owns 1,436 tons of gold, but the FED is unable to deliver.

These are crimes, folks! Somebody will have to pay dearly as the consequence.

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