Wednesday, April 16, 2014

US Inflation picking up.

The FED is crowing that it is finally conquering deflation. Why, if you believe their inflation numbers, inflation is now 2%. This is not the time to list how these numbers are reached. But the actual numbers put the lie to the FED. Vegetables are up between 13-30%, beef is up 20% and gasoline has gone from 3.25 to 3.44 -and this is where oil and gasoline are produced.

It is in this context that we need to look at the latest gold smash. By dumping a truckful of paper into the paper gold market, the FED can pretend that the economy is recovering and forcing gold prices down.

Meanwhile, tax collection is increasing. The Dems exalt that tax revenues are the highest in a while. Does anyone really believe that prosperity is promoted by rising taxes? There are Socialists (Democrats) who actually do believe that. Ironically, the openly Socialist govt of France is cutting welfare and pensions to reduce budget deficits.

And we do have the rising cycle of war as a background to all the economic troubles.

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