Thursday, May 1, 2014

Economic slowdown and gold price changes.

1. Europe.

Despite the self congratulations in Greece and Spain over their successful sale of bonds, all is not well in Europe. The very fact that these countries have to finance their debts from new bonds tells us that they have serious economic problems. Spanish unemployment went past 26%  and Greece is not really recovering.

2. The US.

Lakshman Achuthan of ECRI tells us that the drop in US growth rates to 0.1% was not due to the harsh winter, as the leading economic indicators begin to drop in qIV of 2013. ECRI insists that we are still in a recession and the improvements now are noise in the economic indicators. Edelson forecast that deteriorating economic conditions will force the FED to resume QE on an even bigger scale.

3. Larry's emergency communication on gold.

Larry claims that the drop in silver below support was not shared by gold and that this non-conformation means a turn coming in gold prices. One of two things might happen: a drop in gold price will set off the last leg of the bear market in PMs, or 2. the gold price will start rallying without a further drop. Time should tell.

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