Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Ukraine; Compounding the errors.


The revolution that overthrew the last duly elected President of The Ukraine was financed by George Soros. He paid the demonstrators that camped in Kiev until the President fled. The Ukrainians then held an election, in which the Eastern part of the country did not fully participate. The President that emerged from this illegitimate election is Poroschenko, a candy magnate.

The rebellion of the Eastern provinces.

The Donetsk and Luhansk regions held their own elections and voted to secede from Ukraine.Their stated goal is to be independent.

Missed opportunities.

1. The govt of the Ukraine could have negotiated with the Eastern rebels. They said they were willing to do that.

2. The govt of the Ukraine could have negotiated with Russis.

So, what did the Ukrainians do?
1. In Odessa( SW Ukraine), they set the building occupied by Russian rebels on fire killing the occupiers.)
2. In the Luhansk area, the Ukrainian army shelled the center of resistance.
3. In the Donetsk area, the Ukrainian army has killed a hundred Russians trying to occupy the airport.
4. The Ukrainian President said a resounding Nyet to talks with Russia.

What keep Russia from intervening?

1. There is no question that Russia is militarily superior to Ukraine. But an outright invasion of the Ukraine by Russia will stir up the EU and the US.

2. Obama needs a diversion from the VA scandal and the Bergdal betrayal .

3. The French hold two Mistral-class destroyers being built for Russia and electronics.

4. Hungary wants 200,000 Hungarians given to Ukraine have closer ties with Hungary. And the Hungarians living in Moldovia. And the 2 million or so Hungarians living in Erdely (Transylvania).

The Ukrainians decided to send heavy weaponry into Luhansk and Donetsk.

Check Mr Putin.

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