Monday, September 22, 2014

The War on Men.

If you listen to the shrieks of the American Socialist Party (also known as Democrats), there is a war on young women by denying them 'free' birth control and using abortion as a birth control. If you look at statistics, you find that THERE IS A WAR ON MEN, especially white men.

First, the Socialists are least effective with their propaganda among white men, so Socialists (Democrats) have a deep seated hatred of white males. That is why Democrats pursue policies that will marginalize, reduce or even eliminate white men from positions of leadership and good jobs. Have you noticed the composition of actors in commercials lately?

But, it is not only white males, but men in general that are now under discrimination. This shows mostly in College admission, where the women to men ratio is 1.4 to 1.65, depending on what statistics you read. Schools have become a man averse environment.

Even places that are black man friendly feel the rage of the anti-American Left. I refer to the NFL and football. While, some NFL players have issues, the portrayal of players as wife beaters is just part of the Left's propaganda machine to destroy any activity that is not dominated by the Left. The NFL is conspicuous because it can not be dominated by the FemiNazis. So, the NFL is under threat of destruction.

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