Monday, March 23, 2015

Hillary Clinton: Her crimes continue.

Ever since the time Hillary was a bagman for Bill Clinton in Arkansas, she and Bill have been collecting cash from people needing influence. Never mind the kerfuffle of Hillary' illegal and felonious emails while Secretary of State, but the Clinton Foundation has collected "donations" from people who have business with the United States government. The Governor of Virginia (a Republican) and his wife have been convicted because they accepted gifts from a person doing business with the State of Virginia. The Clintons have accepted millions in donations to their Foundation from people who have business with the US government.

While, I do not expect Hillary and Bill to be indicted for clear violations of laws (after all they are Democrats and as such get a free pass), it is noteworthy that Hillary is given a "hard time" by the Media. The person in charge of this is Obama's Shiite Iranian advisor, Valerie Jarred. You might wonder why they bother? The story is that Obama does not trust Hillary to continue remaking us as a Marxist and Islamic Republic, so they want her out of the way to make room for Elizabeth Warren. Stay tuned. The Clintons throw off stories about crookedness like Linus sheds dirt in a Charley Brown cartoon .

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