Thursday, June 4, 2015

The Harbingers and the Shemitah.

The topic of the Harbinger.

Jonathan Cahn makes a connection between the events that led to the downfall of Israel and events in America.

In Israel  it began with people's rejection of God. So then God removed the special protection from them. The first Harbinger happened this way. The second harbinger was the attack by the Terrorist (Assyrians).

The attack took place where Israel was dedicated to God by King Solomon, the Temple and Jerusalem.  But, the Assyrians destroyed not only the bricks but also cut down the sycamores. God gave the Israelis a chance to repent, but the Israelis responded by defiance. Isaiah quotes their official response described in Isaiah 9:10. The Israelis vowed to rebuild the destroyed brick houses with hewn stone and replace the sycamores with a stronger tree, but they did not repent and did not return to God. Events escalated untill Israel was destroyed .

The United States was also dedicated to God by George Washington when he was inaugurated as President. This took place in New York City in a Chapel that stands on the corner of the block where the towers were destroyed. America had the special  protection from God and became a world superpower militarily and economically.  Consider that in WWII America faced Germany, a most capable people with a superior armed forces and a superior science. Remember that the Germans had the concept of the atomic bomb but miracously, they could not build one.  They also had the first rockets and jet planes to no avail. After WWII America began to turn away from God.  Abortion was legalized and by now it was used to kill over 60 million unborn. School prayer was banned and immoral acts being openly taught in school. Homosexuality was legalized and is glamorized by the Media and films and books. A godless judiciary even forces States to legalize 'gay marriage.'  Christianity is under persecution and is being banned from life outside the church. Our youth, miseducated by a godless coterie of educators is actually giddy as they attack Christianity and exalt homosexuality. It has been noted.

So, God's special protection has been withdrawn from America. And the terrorists struck at the place where America was dedicated  to God, the area of lower Manhattan.  The Chapel, where George Washington dedicated America to God has survived the crash of the towers because a sycamore tree that absorbed the force of the crash.

America's response? It was officially given by Senator Daschle the day after 9/11. Sen Daschle had repeated Isaiah 9:10, where the Prophet described Israel's defiance to God. The same passage was repeated by the Senator from North Carolina two years later.

Further bad fortune followed as the Country turned to elect a President, who is an enemy of the Country and there was a financial calamity that is still developing.

You can watch the video where Jonathan Cahn describes these events with documentation.

The topic of the Shemitah.

Jonathan Cahn has written a second book in which he elaborates on the concept of the Shemitah and how it relates to the Harbinger.

The  Shemitah was another Biblical concept. Every seventh day was supposed to be a Sabbath Day, when God's people were supposed to rest and contemplate God's grace. Every seventh year, the land was to rest with no economic activity. At the end of the month of Elul (September), all debts and credit were cancelled.  The seventh year (the Shemitah)was to be a blessing, but after God was rejected, it became a curse. Jonathan Cahn goes through America's misfortunes, a lot of which occurred in September. You can see the documentation here:

and here:

In the second video, Jonathan Cahn gives an impassioned presentation and blesses us with a special blessing while he wears his Talith (his prayer shawl). His blessing is special because he is a descendent of the priestly class (a Cohen also called Cahn).

My additional comments.

If we accept that this is a Shemitah year, then bad things (especially bad things) will happen this year, especially in September.  In the vernacular these are called black swans. let me list a few:

1. Greece is teetering on the edge  of bankruptcy with potential harm to the EU.

2. Ukraine has cut off cooperation with Russia, which renders the 1,500 Russian troops in Moldova essentially cut off. The Russians are fuming.

3. Russia is massing troops on the Ukrainian border.

4. ISIS is threatening Baghdad and is trying to take over Lybia as a base to attack Europe.

5. Our Stock Market is over extended and is vulnerable to a rise in interest rates.

6. China is working with the IMF to make the Yuan a reserve currency instead of the US Dollar. This may precipitate an even greater calamity than 2008.

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