Wednesday, September 16, 2015

A crisis of leadership/sanity.

A noted Commentator has dubbed the crisis that haunts W Europe and the United States as a crisis of leadership/sanity. The best way to put it is that Western leaders have been infected by a form of insanity that makes them propose/implement insane policies. In the coming days I will try to discuss some of the outcomes of such insanity in detail.

The prevailing (Liberal) attitude is that we must judge our leaders by their intentions. This, of course, is self-serving, because the outcome of Liberal/Progressive thinking is rather dismal. And that is how come we find ourselves morally, intellectually and even economically threatened.

The Elites in DC do not see the danger because they are insulated from it. They do not face the hordes of illegal aliens trampling their fences, stealing their goods and brutalizing their families. The elites live around DC and its suburbs in well-policed apartments or near palatial housing, have their own medical care and incomes that are above the national average. They want to preserve what they have and are not bothered by the invaders of Europe from the Middle East or the invaders from Latin America. For them it means cheap labor, but for the Country it is a threat.

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