Sunday, September 27, 2015

Is the Pope Catholic?

That was a way we used to indicate that something was very obvious, because the Pope used to be Catholic. Not Francis I. In his speech to the US Congress, Francis I did not mention God even once. His economic philosophy had been praised by Raul Castro (an atheist), Barak Hussein Obama (a closet Muslim) and Bernie  Sanders, a Jewish Socialist. Here is an evaluation of Francis that appeared in Conservative Tribune:

Fox News Welcomes Socialist Pope to US With Stunning Attack… Compares to EVIL Biblical Villain

Pope Francis’ visit to the White House Wednesday was already causing controversy, mainly because of President Barack Obama’s guest list that seemed to be a slap in the face of the religious values the pope represents. However, at least one man thinks this Pope may not represent those values at all and may be “leading his flock to a dangerous place.”
Judge Andrew Napolitano wrote an op-ed for Fox News that ripped into the Pope and made an accusation that seemed harsh, yet strangely credible.
In the piece, Napolitano stated that the role of the pope has always “been preservation of traditional teachings about faith and morals and safeguarding the sacraments.”
This is to keep the faith strong and unwavering even in the midst of an increasingly secular society. In fact, in times likes these, religious teachings must remain steadfast to combat the a rising tide of immorality.
However, Pope Francis, according to Napolitano, has been attacking the traditional values of Roman Catholicism, and as such deserved to be labeled “a false prophet.” The reasoning Napolitano provided was hard to dismiss lightly.
“The first is an assault on the family, and the second is an assault on the free market — two favorite political targets of the left,” wrote Napolitano, before giving his examples.
One is the issue of annulments, the pope has recently made it much easier and less time-consuming to prove the invalidity of a marriage. Therefore, even though Roman Catholic couples are forbidden from divorcing, they can annul a marriage swiftly and administratively within 45 days rather than go through a lengthy trial to prove the merit of the invalidity claim.
Sounds a bit like divorce to me.
Second, the Church has always taught that abortion is murder due to the innocence of the victim, and mothers who chose to commit this murder were denied access to the sacraments.
Now the pope has “ordered that any priest may return those who have killed a baby in a womb to the communion of the faithful,” Napolitano stated in the piece.
Napolitano also considers the pope’s obviously socialist, if not communist, economic philosophies not only errant, but evil.
“In his papal exhortation on capitalism, Pope Francis spectacularly failed to appreciate the benefits of capitalism to the health, wealth and safety of the poor,” Napolitano pointed out. “Instead, he has reworked the Peronism of his youth to advocate government-mandated redistribution of wealth.”
If Napolitano is right, this could be a very scary time that we are living in, considering that a false prophet is one of the signs of the end times according to Revelations 13 and 19. Napolitano’s comments amount to a massive accusation — but it’s up to you to determine if they are also a word to the wise.
H/T The Gateway Pundit

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