Sunday, February 14, 2016

Judicial Coup D'etats.

Power can be grabbed by the Supreme Court. The case in point is the commies of Venezuela. The commies lost the last election by 2 to 1, which would allow the opposition to reverse the commie advances under the Chavistas (the Party of Hugo Chavez).

The commies responded by packing the Supreme Court, which promptly invalidated the election of enough opposition members to undo the 2/3 majority of the opposition. The opposition is now preparing to impeach Maduro. Since, the Chavistas control the armed forces, no telling what will happen.

In the US, Obama can not pack the Supreme Court, but the "untimely" death of Antonin Scalia opens the way for the Left to enjoy a judicial coup. First, a divided Supreme Court can not overturn decisions by lower (Leftist) courts. Second, Obama will make a recess appointment to implement a coup of sorts. Third, the battle to nominate a replacement for Scalia will be used to mobilize left-wing voters.

Is the Scalia death suspicious? You bet. He was in good health. There is no autopsy, because local justices were told they did not need one. Now, the body has been embalmed which might cover up evidence of wrongdoing.

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