Thursday, September 8, 2016

Can America be saved?

After I have reposted the article by an anonymous writer I have to ask the question: can America be saved?
Before we discuss that possible answer, I have to note that people around the world have a problem with female leaders. Kirschner, Dilma Roussef and Angela Merkel. Will these failures be joined by Hillary Clinton? Only if she gets elected or made President by hackers. As the email scandal unfolds, there are already several felonies she is proven to have committed.
It seems gilding the lily that this fraud was wearing a wire during the last Presidential Town Hall.
Now, trying to answer the question I posed. The answer seems to be NO. An electorate that is asked to pick between a lying criminal and a crazy old Socialist is likely to vote for doom. (And that's just the Dems). A country whose National Debt exceeds 100% of its GNP has bad days coming. A country that opens its borders to any and all invaders will be soon overwhelmed. A country that picks its leader one who hates it, is a country from which God has withdrawn His protection. It is only a matter of time.

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