Monday, January 1, 2018

Scientific Fraud: more prevalent than you think.

Science is a human endeavor.

So, it is subject to the same forces that guide other human activity. Which unfortunately include greed, jealousy, revenge, etc. Scientists on the average may be smarter, but that just means that they are better at fraud than the average Man.

Many types of scientific fraud are possible.

1. Overstating facts and their importance.
This is rather self-explanatory.

2. Selectively editing data.
Leave out data that do not support a desired conclusion. The Global Warming hoax has an element of this.

3. Outright fabrication of data.
You would think that this would rarely if ever occur, but the frauds of Mitchurin and Lysenko went on and on. These two scientists and followers claimed that it was possible to develop cold-hardy fruit trees (i.e. trees that bore fruit in cold climate) by cold-shocking the seeds before germinating them.

How scientists try to prevent fraud.
Scientific discoveries are supposed to be published in reputable journals and each article is to be subjected to a rigorous review by peers. The presentation of methods and data must be transparent, so the experiments can be repeated. Results that are not repeated by other scientists are discarded. This can give rise to a lot of arguments. But eventually, further experimentation clarifies the results. Is this method foolproof? Of course not. Jealousy among groups of scientists can cause some articles to be delayed or even rejected for non-scientific reasons. But eventually, the correct interpretation of the date will prevail.

The theory of evolution is an exception to normal science.
All the rules governing science are thrown out when it comes to the theory of evolution. There is no space to review all the SCIENTIFIC sins that are perpetrated in the name of this theory. The biggest sin is that while evolution is still a theory, it is treated as an established fact. Scientists can lose their job (or never get one to begin with) if they consider challenging this very bad theory. It is the only theory of life's origin that is permitted in a university. No other theories can be mentioned without punishment.

Why do otherwise reputable scientist cling to this deeply flawed theory? Because it explains life from the atheist point of view.

Scientific fraud becomes really bad when promoted by government.
From the time of Giordano Bruno and Galileo Galilei scientific fraud became especially damaging when embraced by government. Giordano Bruno was killed by fire though Galileo was merely forced to recant the idea that the Earth moved around the sun. Why? Because the competing idea was sold to the Papacy by rival scientists.

Mitchurin and Lysenko's fraud suited Communist ideology and those who objected to the fraud were sent to the Gulag or executed.

The dioxin fraud were seized on to create the EPA. One Head of the Agency hoped that the EPA would become as notorious and feared as the IRS. Eventually, the fraud was deemphasized but by then EPA was firmly established.

Another federal agency was trying to use trace mineral data to obtain the power to regulate the food industry. This was based on the fraud that heart disease was caused by a deficiency of dietary copper. Yet another scientist invented the idea that diabetes was due to the deficiency of an organic chromium factor. The US government loved these ideas, but there were scientists who protested and turned in the perps. The whistle blowers were punished one way or another.

Then there is the climate fraud. This is based on the idea that CO2 produced (especially in the United States) causes global warming. The fraud was seized on by environmentalists who want to promote so-called green energy. VP Algore was allowed to profit from selling indulgences for a large carbon footprint and he took in 300 million US Dollars in running the scam.

Yes, science fraud can be lucrative.

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