Friday, June 22, 2018

America is back.

There was a time when even Democrats wanted America to do better. Such a Democrat was Dr Charles Krauthammer. We honor his memory on his passing from this life. Charles was right about most things, but he was wrong about Trump. Donald Trump has been President for a little over 500 days but he has already left his stamp on the country. The Leftist ideas of the Democrats are being repudiated and consequently, the country is doing better. And Pres Trump is eating the political lunch of the Democrats and the Media. The latest example of this is the Executive order  to keep illegal immigrant families together until they are either given asylum or are deported. The Democrats already are attacking this order, because they are not really for keeping illegal alien families together, they want illegals released into the population. The immigration ploy of the Dems/Media has failed as failed other attempts trying to undermine Trump.
Here is Trump making his case in Minnesota:

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