Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Dems and the SCOTUS: live by the sword, die by nthe sword.

Five  things happened this week that have outsize importance and four has to do with the Supreme Court.
1. The Supreme Court ruled 5 to 4 that the Travel Ban instituted by Pres Trump is constitutional and within the scope of his authority. This ruling does not set new precedent, but it knocks out the assertion of the Leftist States that Trump is doing something new, something illegal, something that the laws do not allow him to do.
2.  The Supreme Court ruled 5 to 4 that homosexuals can not force a flower shop to produce flowers for a homosexual wedding, if the owners refuse to participate in a homosexual wedding on the grounds that such violates their religious beliefs. This reinforces their ruling on the 'wedding cake' ruling. This ruling is very important. The blue states were about to proceed against Conservative churches to force them to perform homosexual weddings. This ruling blocks that approach of the Left.
3. Also in a 5 to 4 ruling the Supremes ruled that unions can not force members to contribute to political causes that they do not support. Unlike the hysterical blatherings of the 'wise latina', this will not end leftist control of unions but reduce their effectiveness to support the Dem Party.
The rulings happened because Justice Kennedy had a stroke of clear thinking.
4.  Justice Kennedy announced his retirement. Leftist heads are exploding that Trump will appoint another Gorsuch. The Dems are coming up some interesting arguments as to why Trump should not be allowed another pick. More on this later.
5. Republican Cabinet members will get some Secret Service protection in the face of Leftists harassment.

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