Saturday, February 9, 2019

The Democrats insane plan for America.

1. Tear down and rebuild every building in America to be energy efficient.
2. End all air travel. Build fast trains across the land and the oceans. (I am not making this up).
3. Junk all cars and trucks that use fossil fuel. Shut down all atomic power plants.
4. Shut down all power plants and build more windmills and solar farms.
5. End all animal husbandry and ban the eating of meat.

TIMELINE: 10 years.
FINANCING: Not spelled out. Since, youngsters like Ocasio-Cortez (the person who released this plan) are not proficient in math skills (and she does not know the difference between million, billions and trillions), they have not a clue. They have a vague idea that the FED will generate the money, but other than that not a clue. Yeah, and confiscate private property and tax earnings between 50-90%.
PREDICTION: This plan will be sent back to the drawing board when Pelosi catches on than Miss Cortez plans to confiscate her millions.
WHAT DO THE ADULTS (SANE ADULTS) SAY? I have a video of a British scientist who figured out what the numbers are in going green.

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