Friday, April 12, 2019

Candace Owens: Arrows for a pioneer.

Candace Owens: The anti-Ocasio-Cortez

It has been a long time since a person as young as Candace Owens appeared on the political scene who is as brilliant, grounded, and quick-thinking as she is.  She is the same age as Rep. Ocasio-Cortez!  Let that sink in a minute.
Owens has about a hundred I.Q. points on the supremely ignorant Ocasio-Cortez.  Owens's grace and class are the antithesis of Ocasio-Cortez's empty-headed, ditzy meanderings.  Owens's videos are all worth watching, and her performance on Tuesday in front of the House Oversight Committee was spectacular.  She put the Democrats on that committee to shame, especially Jerrold Nadler and Ted Lieu.  Both of them tried their best to humiliate her, to use her as a prop in their latest narrative that Trump is responsible for a make-believe rise of white nationalism and white supremacy.  The two of them are imbecilic at best.  Their focus on "white nationalism" is nonsense, but that is all the Democrats have now: nonsense.
Owens's opening statement, for any conservative who watched it, was cause for a standing ovation.  Miraculously, she has somehow escaped the mind-numbing indoctrination that has afflicted so many young people, especially those who ventured onto a college campus as students.  She left the University of Rhode Island after her junior year — smart girl.  She is the director of communications of Turning Point, USA, a young conservative group founded by Charlie Kirk, who is equally young and un-indoctrinated by tenured radicals.  She is also the founder of Blexit, which encourages black Americans to leave the Democratic Party for its failure to do anything for black Americans but tell them they are victims of enduring racism — a lie at best, soul-killing abuse at worst.  It is difficult to know if the Democrats take this movement seriously, but they should, for it has many, many adherents.  The contrast between the nothing Obama did for American blacks over his eight years and what Trump has done for them in two is stunning.  Those who are willing to admit that fact are leaving the Left.
In the hearing on Tuesday that was to be about hate groups, the intellectually challenged Ted Lieu of California tried to submarine Owens with a short excerpt from a recording of a talk Owens had given where she was asked about nationalism.  Lieu clearly had no idea whom he was up against; Owens eviscerated him for the dirty trick and for assuming that black Americans are "stupid" and would not know to find the entirety of her answer to that question online.  The odious Jerrold Nadler interrupted her to scold her for calling a member of the committee "stupid."  She had not.  Owens nicely pointed out that he had not been listening.  He is as much of an ignoramus on this committee as he is on the Judiciary Committee, out of his depth.
Nadler and Lieu, like Schiff and Swalwell, are political bottom-feeders. They care not one bit about their constituents, the American people, facts, or the truth.  All they know and feel is their hatred for President Trump, and that hatred has infected their brains.  It has obliterated their ability to think critically. 
Our left today has gone stark-raving mad.  Leftists have no ideas.  As usual, they want to raise taxes, punish those who have succeeded, and redistribute their wealth.  They sell fear and victimology.  They want to import millions of migrants from third-world nations to vote for them, illegally.  They have done and continue to do terrible damage to this nation.  And now they want to point us in the direction that Venezuela has gone: total destruction of a once civilized society.  They are yet again trying to sell socialism to Americans!  They really do think we are all stupid.
The lovely and quick-witted Ms. Owens is a dose of best medicine.  She is optimism, hope, belief in America, and intellectual prowess all in one beautiful package.  She is a gifted speaker and a natural leader.  That she is on our side gives us old conservatives renewed faith in our youth.  It is Trump's agenda, and how it has played out so far, that has invigorated Owens and given rise to her spectacular voice.  She is a blessing on us all, our rose among thorns.
Image: Gage Skidmore via Flickr.

It has been a long time since a person as young as Candace Owens appeared on the political scene who is as brilliant, grounded, and quick-thinking as she is.  She is the same age as Rep. Ocasio-Cortez!  Let that sink in a minute.
Owens has about a hundred I.Q. points on the supremely ignorant Ocasio-Cortez.  Owens's grace and class are the antithesis of Ocasio-Cortez's empty-headed, ditzy meanderings.  Owens's videos are all worth watching, and her performance on Tuesday in front of the House Oversight Committee was spectacular.  She put the Democrats on that committee to shame, especially Jerrold Nadler and Ted Lieu.  Both of them tried their best to humiliate her, to use her as a prop in their latest narrative that Trump is responsible for a make-believe rise of white nationalism and white supremacy.  The two of them are imbecilic at best.  Their focus on "white nationalism" is nonsense, but that is all the Democrats have now: nonsense.
Owens's opening statement, for any conservative who watched it, was cause for a standing ovation.  Miraculously, she has somehow escaped the mind-numbing indoctrination that has afflicted so many young people, especially those who ventured onto a college campus as students.  She left the University of Rhode Island after her junior year — smart girl.  She is the director of communications of Turning Point, USA, a young conservative group founded by Charlie Kirk, who is equally young and un-indoctrinated by tenured radicals.  She is also the founder of Blexit, which encourages black Americans to leave the Democratic Party for its failure to do anything for black Americans but tell them they are victims of enduring racism — a lie at best, soul-killing abuse at worst.  It is difficult to know if the Democrats take this movement seriously, but they should, for it has many, many adherents.  The contrast between the nothing Obama did for American blacks over his eight years and what Trump has done for them in two is stunning.  Those who are willing to admit that fact are leaving the Left.
In the hearing on Tuesday that was to be about hate groups, the intellectually challenged Ted Lieu of California tried to submarine Owens with a short excerpt from a recording of a talk Owens had given where she was asked about nationalism.  Lieu clearly had no idea whom he was up against; Owens eviscerated him for the dirty trick and for assuming that black Americans are "stupid" and would not know to find the entirety of her answer to that question online.  The odious Jerrold Nadler interrupted her to scold her for calling a member of the committee "stupid."  She had not.  Owens nicely pointed out that he had not been listening.  He is as much of an ignoramus on this committee as he is on the Judiciary Committee, out of his depth.
Nadler and Lieu, like Schiff and Swalwell, are political bottom-feeders. They care not one bit about their constituents, the American people, facts, or the truth.  All they know and feel is their hatred for President Trump, and that hatred has infected their brains.  It has obliterated their ability to think critically. 

Our left today has gone stark-raving mad.  Leftists have no ideas.  As usual, they want to raise taxes, punish those who have succeeded, and redistribute their wealth.  They sell fear and victimology.  They want to import millions of migrants from third-world nations to vote for them, illegally.  They have done and continue to do terrible damage to this nation.  And now they want to point us in the direction that Venezuela has gone: total destruction of a once civilized society.  They are yet again trying to sell socialism to Americans!  They really do think we are all stupid.
The lovely and quick-witted Ms. Owens is a dose of best medicine.  She is optimism, hope, belief in America, and intellectual prowess all in one beautiful package.  She is a gifted speaker and a natural leader.  That she is on our side gives us old conservatives renewed faith in our youth.  It is Trump's agenda, and how it has played out so far, that has invigorated Owens and given rise to her spectacular voice.  She is a blessing on us all, our rose among thorns.

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