Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The case for a coming economic doom.

It is interesting how almost every point of the compass forecasts doom for the US economy and the dollar. Chinese soothsayers, economists not in the employ of the Obamabots, several pundits I read, the cycle theories of Uncommon Wisdom, the Rev Wilkerson and his prophetic visions from God and my own visions based on history, economic theory, etc. We do not know exactly when it comes (between now and 2013) or even how it will come, but we know it is coming.

We know that a Conspiracy in the banking world has put us on the skids in Sep 2008 and we know that they are still in power. Seeking Alpha paints a truly scary vision of the next bubble being formed as I write this; a bubble the bursting of which the cycle theory forecasts for 2010. I have collected the graphic from Seeking Alpha.

The size of the bubble is estimated as one quadrillion dollars. This amount will devastate the world, certainly us and kill the currency. Prayers are really in order, because Babylon is about to burn.

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