Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The story on natural gas.

In many ways, the US has a dieing economy. In such an economy bubbles develop. Bubbles, if you do not know, are speculative scams where speculators drive up the price of something then dump it. They make a financial killing on the way up and the way down. The gullible are bag holders. As the bubbles burst, people desperately try to find leaders who promise HOPE and CHANGE. They find out too late that they acquired a bubble in political promises. Such societies are destroyed in an orgy of printing money, inflation, riots and then fall into a tyrannical form of government, because the people can not govern themselves.

Sometimes the deterioration is slow enough so people do not notice. For example, did you know that since 2002 the dollar lost nearly 25% of its value? Do you know that 78% of Americans can not calculate interest earned, that 71% can not calculate miles per gallon and that 58% can not compute a 10% tip? How can such people make intelligent decision in politics? If they could, Barak Hussein would have been laughed off the stage right with his teleprompter. It will then not surprise you that most Americans are unfamiliar with the three laws of thermodynamics, so they can be sold snake oil like the Cap and Trade bill.

The most abundant energy sources in America are coal and natural gas. In fact, between the Western gas field (which runs by Dallas, TX) and the Marcellus gas field that runs from Louisiana through Pennsylvania, we have enough known gas to last us a hundred years. T. Boone Pickens even wanted to convert cars and trucks to using natural gas, but he was ignored. And natural gas is currently trading at a 15 year low in terms of the price of gold. You could call it a reverse bubble. Since Barak Hussein was elected, natural gas prices have plummeted in anticipation of curtailing its use.

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