Saturday, November 7, 2009

Major Nidal Malik Hasan

The News Media is spinning events that the Major had Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome - hence the shooting spree. The Media lies. This man had not been deployed to any combat operation.

Major Nidal is a jihadist. He expressed admiration for suicide bombers and other terrorists before he decided to become one himself. On the day of his terror act, he gave away his Quran (more than one copy in fact), gave away money and even his frozen food and on base he shouted "Allah Akhbar" and started shooting. His terrorist act was obviously motivated by his understanding of Islam - no one else shouts Allah Akhbar, but a Muslim. As the evidence shows, this was premeditated.

Not all Muslims are terrorists. But they all bear watching, as does everyone else. Major Nidal was investigated and his views were known, yet he was allowed to continue in the Army. The handling of his case was a delerition of duty and the usual shortsighted stupidity. But, the news media that tries to suppress the facts is guilty of treason.

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