Monday, November 9, 2009

Why the scam to improve the dollar?

Someone reminded me that the intention of the Obama regime to devalue the dollar so we can pretend that we can repay our debts would seem to contradict the effort to produce a rally in the dollar by buying up dollar options.

Let's remember that the regime has several goals, all of which are served by devaluing the dollar. First, the purpose of a counterfeiter is to obtain part of the Nation's wealth for little effort. That is one of the goals of the biggest counterfeiter: the FED. Second, devaluing the dollar allows the regime to use the counterfeit money to obtain control or ownership of large swats of industry. Third, America's wealth is downsized by transferring it to others whose currencies are not downsized (the Obamabots believe that it is not fair that Americans have so much). Finally, the printing of money is needed to make payments to those the regime hopes to enlist and to keep the economy from collapsing.

All these are being achieved by printing more money (i. e. by devaluing the dollar). So, why promote buying up options that increase the value of the dollar? Timing, folks, timing. The regime and its mainstream media propagandists believe that the economic crises is easing, that it is only a matter of a couple of months until the economy picks up. Hence, it is necessary to stop the slide of the dollar and resume the slide in the new year.

Is it working? So far, NO! Gold is up another $13 this morning to $1109.50/oz. Expect option trading to increase.

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