Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Predictions: will they really happen?

I figure that by now everyone has heard about the Mayan Calendar predicting the END OF THE WORLD on Dec 21 this year. Will it happen? I do not have the faintest, but if it does, Christmas will be cancelled.

Then there is the book about devaluing the dollar: a Conspiracy between China and the FED. Believable? When you read the book, you find that a very credible prediction can be made. Will it happen? Well, it is happening, sort of.

There is the work of the Weiss Research in general and Larry in particular. They predict a drop in the Stock Market and gold then a huge upsurge. It hasn't happened. Larry is now predicting an upsurge in stock prices. That hasn't happened either.

KWN predicts a large increase in precious metal prices and that hasn't happened. At least they admit that Central Banks, in Concert with governments, now control gold price by virtue of selling ten times as much paper gold as the actual sale of gold. Both gold bulls and bears are frustrated as the tug of war continues.

Then there is James Dale Davidson. He predicts that on Sep 21, 2012, the USD will reach its "Use by Date" figure. According to Davidson, the Faustian bargain between Pres Nixon and King Saud will have run its course and the PETRODOLLAR trade will come to an end. What is this trade? Nixon and King Saud agreed that oil would be sold for Dollars. So, the rest of the world had to work and scrape to earn US Dollars to pay for petroleum. We only had to print them. The Dollars would then be recycled by countries buying US Treasuries to finance America's deficit spending.You think it was bargain? Hardly. In exchange for cheap consumer goods, the US got rid of a good portion of its manufacturing. While, Obama shrieks that Romney outsourced jobs while at Bain, Obama has outsourced rocketing US Astronauts into space. And the advisor on jobs is from GE, that produces half of its products overseas.

Davidson wants to warn us about the coming catastrophe. And, btw, he has a bargain for us: a one year subscription to Strategic Investment for a paltry sum of $59/yr. And two free books. But if the Mayans are right then it does not matter.

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