Saturday, January 16, 2016

Even FOX promotes Trump's trickery.

During the last Republican debate Cruz had Trump on the ropes for a couple of times. One was when Cruz reminded everyone that Trump's lawyers told him there was no birther issue about Cruz. 'The Constitution hasn't changed since September,' Cruz said, 'but the polls have.' Trump conceded the point. The second time Cruz had Trump on the ropes when he told the audience that Trump gave an interview with Chris Matthews in which Trump's ideas were entirely different from what they are now. Trump responded in the interview that this was due to his New York values.

Trump counterattacked. Trump contended that Cruz was criticizing  New York's response to 9-11. All the Media (even FOX) pretends that that is what Cruz said, feigning phony outrage as usual.

The rest of us know what New York values are. And we know what this phoney support for Trump means. It is not that the Media now likes Trump. It is that they desperately want to take down Cruz.

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