Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Trump evens the odds in Iowa.

After besting Trump in the debates, Ted Cruz was...well, cruising. Even though Trump was gaining in the polls, Cruz counted on holding on. Iowa votes turn on turnout and other subtle things and you would have some soul searching to stand for a New Yorker. Someone who stood for gay marriage? You kidding?

But, the endorsement from Palin changes things. Even though Palin does not carry the clout she once did, she can make a difference. No doubt, Palin endorsed the Trump we hear today, not the one who supported gay marriage.

That now makes it a sweep among the Conservative ladies: Schlafly, Ann Coulter and now Palin. Trump's unwavering and decisive stand on immigration (meaning standing against remaking America as a Spanish-speaking, Socialist country) may hold the key and I do know it is true for Ann Coulter. Besides, Trump is almost a romantic figure as he  stands unflinching against the slavoring hate of the Media and the Republican establishment. The latter is thawing. The Establishment had started devising plans to make deals with Trump. It will be amusing. It would be funny if the consequenes were not so serious.

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