Sunday, January 17, 2016

Larry's long range forecast. What it means.

In the January Wealth report one of the Readers asked   Larry Edelson:

Q: ....Come the end of the crisis, which you say will be around 2020, what will the world look like?

A: I believe that on the other side, post 2020, we will have a bright, new, peaceful world, chock full of economic potential.

I see a world where government debts are forgiven and forbidden;
I see a world where taxes are cut to the bone, perhaps even a flat tax.
I see a world where archaic burocracies are dismantled, allowing entrepreneurism to flourish.
I also see huge strides in biotechnology, in curing disease and more.

It will be extremely difficult to get there, but the world will get there.

AJ adds: IMHO, this will happen only if the Lord appears and does what He promised He will do. Imagine! No more Democrats to fight for higher taxes and lower growth. Liberal judges gone and Liberal Professors defrocked. And, ahem, the GOP growing a pair.

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