Monday, October 17, 2016

Casey - doom and gloom.

Doug Casey is a premier financial analyst. He is talking about the coming currency failure in the United States. IMO, the more the FED does to pump up the Stock Market, the greater the effects will be when the Day of Reckoning arrives.
Here is what Casey says:
"Just how bad could it get?
Casey explains:
What could happen? You could have lots of bank failures. You could have a stock market crash. All this money that the government has created has bulled up the stock market to new highs. So, the next step is likely to be down. A lot of people have assets in the stock market, and if they don’t, their pension funds are in the stock market. Most of the cities in this country have and most of the states in this country have gigantic pension liabilities that are underfunded, underfunded even though the stock market is at all-time highs and the bond market is in a super bubble.” 
He continues…
Now, when interest rates inevitably go up from these artificially suppressed levels where they are now, the bond market is going to collapse, the stock market is going to collapse, and with it, the real estate market is going to collapse. These pension funds are going to be wiped out.  Then what’s going to happen? This is a very bad situation. The U.S. is digging itself in deeper and deeper.”
The bottom line, according to Casey, is anyone living in the U.S. or who has assets priced in dollars is at serious risk right now.
Since, the warning about calamities unfolding have not been followed up by the forecast calamities, people think that they will not happen.
Casey has a new video out and warns that the FOREX Market is giving out bad vibes. Here is a graphic comparing the size of the various markets:
How will we know that things began to unravel? Casey produced a graph of FOREX trades. And we see that inflation is now above the 2% the FED claims to have as a desired goal.
Here is the latest on inflation. It is beginning:

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